1)People with diabetes have too much
sugar in their blood, so a drug that lowers blood sugar ought to be a good
treatment, right 2) Maybe not. Consider the diabetes drug Avandia, or rosiglitazone, which was approved in 1999.it lowers blood sugar, and about a million people in the United States have been talking it for Type 2 diabetes, the most common form of the disease. But last week, doctors reported that Avandia might increase the risk of heart attacks. 3) Heart disease is a major complication of diabetes, so a drug that could make the risk even worse is bad news indeed. 4) The jury is still out on Avandia. Meanwhile, patient advocates and some politicians and researchers are already denouncing it, and the Food and Drug Administration has issued a tepid "safety alert" telling patien A. C.F.D.responded quickly and banned the sale of the drug immediately [单项选择]在检验检疫机构签发检验检疫证单后,报检人要求更改或补充内容的,应向( )提出申请,经检验检疫机构核实批准后,按规定予以办理。
A. 就近的检验检疫机构 B. 直属检验检疫机构 C. 分支检验检疫机构 D. 原证书签发检验检疫机构 [多项选择]FIDIC道德准则,从( )等方面规定了监理工程师在“公正性”方面的行为准则。
A. 不接受可能导致判断不公的报酬 B. 寻求与确认的发展原则相适应的解决办法 C. 在提供职业咨询、评审或决策时不偏不倚 D. 通知委托人在行使其委托权可能引起的任何潜在的利益冲突 E. 不得故意或无意地做出损害他人名誉的事情 [多项选择]假肢试样的一般程序有()
A. 穿假肢 B. 静态检查 C. 动态检查 D. 脱下假肢后的检查 [判断题]( )879.施工单位采购、租赁的安全防护用具、机械设备、施工机具及配件,如果具有生产(制造)许可证、产品合格证,在进入施工现场前可以不再进行查验。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]It is advisable for governments to invest money in providing all of their people with ______.
以下哪项和小李的推理结构最为相似() A. 所有入场的考生都经过了体温测试,所以没能入场的考生都没有经过体温测试。 B. 所有出场设备都是检测合格的,所有检测合格的设备都已出厂。 C. 所有已发表文章都是认真校对过的,所有认真校对过的文章都已发表。 D. 所有真理都是不怕批评的,所有怕批评的都不是真理。 E. 所有不及格的学生都没有好好复习,所以没好好复习的学生都不及格。 [单项选择]People have wondered for a long time how their personalities and behaviors are formed. It is not easy to explain why one person is intelligent and another is not, (62) why one is cooperative and another is competitive.
Social scientists are, of course, extremely interested in these types of questions. They want to explain why we possess certain characteristics and (63) certain behaviors. There are no (64) answers yet, but two distinct schools of thought on the matter have (65) . As one might expect, the two (66) are very different from one another, and there is a great deal of (67) between proponents (支持者) of each theory. The controversy is often (68) to as "nature vs. nurture". Those who support the "nature" side of the conflict believe that our personalities and behavior patterns are (69) determined by biological and (70) factors. That our environment has (71) , if anything, to do with o [多选题]在查明线路()后,方可进行带电断、接引线。
A.确无接地 B.绝缘良好 C.线路上无人工作 D.相位确定无误 我来回答: 提交