The promise of finding long-term technological solutions to the problem of world food shortages seems difficult to fulfill Many innovations that were once heavily supported and publicized have since fallen by the wayside. The proposals themselves were technically feasible, but they proved to be economically unenviable and to yield food products culturally unacceptable to their consumers.
One characteristic common to unsuccessful food innovations has been that, even with extensive government support, they often have not been technologically adapted or culturally acceptable to the people for whom they had been developed. A successful new technology, therefore, must fit the entire sociocultural system in which it is to find a place Security of crop yield, practicality of storage, and costs are much more significant than what had previously been realized by the advocates of new technologies.
The adoption of new food technologies depends on more than these
A. decrease
B. fail to continue
C. cancel
D. forget
{{B}}Text{{/B}} A study in the United States finds that girls and young women use tobacco, drugs and alcohol for different reasons than hoys. It says young males{{U}} (26) {{/U}}use tobacco, drink alcohol or fake drugs{{U}} (27) {{/U}}excitement. Or they think it will make them more popular. Young females,{{U}} (28) {{/U}}, may hope to feel happier or reduce{{U}} (29) {{/U}}or lose weight. There are physical, psychological and social{{U}} (30) {{/U}}from smoking, drinking anti using{{U}} (31) {{/U}}. The report says some of these may{{U}} (32) {{/U}}more quickly and severely in females. For example, it says they arc more likely to become dependent{{U}} (33) {{/U}}tobacco than males who smoke just as many cigarettes.{{U}} (34) {{/U}}it says females have a great{{U}} (35) A. in B. on C. against D. at [多选题]绝缘手套应(),长度应超衣袖。
A.湿润 B.柔软 C.接缝少 D.紧密牢固 [单项选择]瘿的病位在
A. 两腋下 B. 两胁下 C. 双窝 D. 双侧腹股沟 E. 颈前结喉两侧 [单选题]行为人的( )是承担行政责任的主观要件。
A.行政执法目的 B.故意或过失 C.客观上的偶然 D.法律意识的淡薄 [单项选择]下列关节中,具有囊内韧带的是( )
A. 肘关节 B. 膝关节 C. 肩关节 D. 桡腕关节 E. 颞下颌关节 [单选题]按照( )要求,对防寒过冬应提前做好准备。
A.技规 B.行规 C.操规 [单项选择]( )是根据人民法院和有关单位的指定而产生的。
A. 法定代理 B. 指定代理 C. 无权代理 D. 委托代理 [判断题]各生产场所应有逃生路线的标示。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列哪一项不是早期共享硬盘服务系统的特色
A. 每次使用服务器硬盘时首先需要进行链接 B. 共享盘盘资源系统可以自动维护文件结构 C. 用户可以用DOS命令在专用盘体上建立DOS文件目录 D. 系统效率不高、安全性较差,但在局域网中曾经广泛应用 [单选题][难度:0.5][分数:1]静压导轨的摩擦系数约为( )。
A.0.05 B.0.005 C.0.0005 D.0.5 [简答题]AT供电方式和BT供电方式的吸上线作用有何不同?
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Most smokers want to stop smoke. Many of 76. ______
them have tried more than once but failed. 77.______ Although they know smoking may kill them and 78.______ cause a serious illness yet they can give it up. 79.______ The reason to it is that tobacco contains nicotine 80.______ that is a drug which gets one into habit of smoking. 81.______ Because you start taking the drug, it is hard to stop. 82.______ If you go without it for an hour or two, it 83.______ begin to feel bad. The only thing can stop 84.______ you feeling bad is the drug containing in cigarettes. 85.______ [单选题]某烟草公司2017年8月8日支付烟叶收购价款88万元,另向烟农支付了价外补贴10万元。该烟草公司8月收购烟叶应缴纳的烟叶税为( )万元。
A.17.6 B.19.36 C.21.56 D.19.6 [单选题]建筑施工最大的特点是( )。
A.手工操作,繁重体力劳动 B.产品固定,人员流动 C.建筑施工变化大,规则性差 D.露天高处作业多 [多选题]打眼要注意做到()。
A.准 B.平 C.直 D.齐 [单项选择]双腔支气管插管的主要目的是()。
A. 有利于更好地控制呼吸 B. 使健康肺和病侧肺的气道隔离通气 C. 通气效率高 D. 手术视野清楚 E. 避免开胸侧肺萎缩,出现低氧血 [多选题]交叉式对绞线两端使用()标准
A.568A B.568B C.568C D.568D [单选题] 练习的次数和时间的分配,应根据具体练习的内容、性质和学员的能力、基础而定,一般说来,在开始阶段应( )。
A.练习的次数多一点,每次练习的时间长一些 B.练习的次数多一点,每次练习的时间不宜过长 C.练习的次数少一点,每次练习的时间长一些 D.练习的次数少一点,每次练习的时间不宜过长 [多项选择]下列有关国际申请进入中国国家阶段时所提交文件的说法哪些是正确的?()
A. 经国际局登记已经死亡的申请人,进入国家阶段时,不再写入进入声明中 B. 国际申请中未指明发明人的,在进入中国国家阶段声明中应当指明发明人姓名 C. 在国际阶段申请人进行过变更的,应提交变更后申请人享有申请权的证明材料 D. 应当在进入国家阶段的书面声明中指明国际公布中对不同国家的不同申请人的姓名 [填空题]在按站间组织行车、___和因运行限制列车不能同时接发等情况,不具备放行列车条件时,不得选择自动触发。
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