Though Johnny felt he was not good at dancing, he had been encouraged a lot by his mother. "The party tonight will be (36) , why not go with the Lisette and try to make some performance" said Johnny’s mother. Johnny (37) . For him, the Saturday night usually was the most exciting day in the week. Johnny went to the (38) at the club with his parents. Johnny’s hero, Alcide, played the accordion with the band. However, lately everything had changed. Since now Johnny was not a little boy any more, he was (39) to dance with a girl!
When Johnny and his parents arrived at the club, music (40) . Johnny got up his (41) to invite Lisette. "May I dance with you" Johnny asked. "It’s my pleasure," said Lisette. Johnny tried hard to keep up with Lisette’s (42) steps, but he was always one beat behind her. "Johnny has two left feet!" said Pierre, a friend of Johnny
A. said
B. sighed
C. smiled
D. sap
Perhaps the most interesting thing
about the phenomenon of taboo behavior is how it can change (1)
the years within the same society, how certain behavior and
attitudes (2) considered taboo can become perfectly
(3) and natural (4) another point in time.
Topics such as death, for example, were once considered so (5)
and unpleasant that it was a taboo to even talk about them. Now with
the (6) of important books such as On Death and Dying and
Learning to Say Goodbye, people have become more (7) of the
importance of expressing feelings about death and, (8) a
result, are more willing to talk about this taboo subject. One of the newest taboos in American society is the topic of fat. (9) many other taboos, fat is a topic that Americans talk about constantly. It’s not taboo to talk about A. conscious B. sensible C. noticed D. aware [填空题]在单位电极表面上通过的电流强度,称为()。
A.行政复议调解书已经具有法律效力,申请人不签字不影响其效力 B.行政复议机关应当继续进行调解 C.行政复议机关应当及时作出驳回复议申请的决定 D.行政复议机关应当及时作出行政复议决定 [判断题]接车检查时,要目视车辆运行状态,有无冒烟发火和车体外胀、倾斜以及配件下垂脱落等现象。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]-B-001 5 2 3
晶体三极管具有( )PN结。 A.大小 B.两个 C.三个 D.四个 [T/] [多项选择]吗啡的临床应用包括()
A. 作为治疗左心衰竭所致急性肺水肿的综合措施之一 B. 镇痛,尤其适用于严重创伤,急性心肌梗死等引起的急性疼痛及手术后疼痛 C. 麻醉前用药 D. 作为全凭静脉全麻或静吸复合全麻的主要用药 E. 椎管内给药用于手术后镇痛和癌症病人镇痛 [简答题]温家宝总理去年在全国依法行政工作会议上指出,建设法治政府。是加强政府自身建设、提高行政管理水平的根本途径。请结合工作实际,谈谈依法行政中存在的问题、产生的原因,以及加强法治建设的思路。
[单选题]砖墙的水平灰缝厚度( )。
A.一般为10mm,并不大于12mm B.一般大于8mm,并不小于10mm C.一般大于10mm,并不小于12mm D.一般为8mm,并不大于12mm [填空题]财产股利和负债股利实际上是______的替代,这两种股利支付方式目前在我国公司股利支付实务中很少使用。
[判断题]钢轨的侧面磨耗在钢轨踏面(按标准断面)下14mm处测量。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]处理船舶事故,需要潜水队员下水施救时,应两人以上编组下潜,由上游向下游搜索,必要时应有保险绳进行引导和保护,到达指定位置,直接下水。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]无法进行直接验电的设备、高压直流输电设备和雨雪天气时的户外设备,可以进行间接验电,即通过设备的()及各种遥测、遥信等信号的变化来判断。
A. A.机械指示位置 B.B.电气指示 C.C.带电显示装置 D.D.仪表 [判断题]消防头盔的左、右水平视野大于205°。
A. 礞石滚痰丸 B. 涤痰汤 C. 龙胆泻肝汤 D. 黄连温胆汤 E. 生铁落饮 [判断题]机具在运行中不得进行检修或调整。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]2.75 2013年5月1日起出厂的专用校车,2013年3月1日起出厂的发动机后置的客车,2018年1月1日起出厂的其他客车(包括新能源客车),应装备发动机舱(驱动电机舱)自动灭火装置。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列关于三公九卿制的表述正确的是()①三公指丞相、御史大夫、太尉②秦始皇建立三公九卿制的目的是为了减轻自己的负担,分权于三公九卿③三公中的丞相负责监察百官④汉朝继续沿用秦代的三公九卿制
A. ①②③④ B. ②④ C. ②③④ D. ①④ [填空题]严禁作业人员在线路上接打( ),确需接打时,必须撤离到( )限界以外,随身工具必须同时携带下线。
[单选题]巷道坡度大于( )时,严禁人力推车。
A.0..007. B.0..008. C.0..009. D.0..005. 我来回答: 提交