The pollution of Hong Kong’s beaches by
oil from a damaged tanker last year recalls a similar incident which took place
in Britain in 1967 when the Torrey Canyon, a huge oil tanker, split in two and
caused disaster in coastal areas. Shoals of fishes were killed, sea birds
hopelessly fouled with oil and coastal holiday resorts put out of business for
several weeks. As a result of this particular incident scientists are becoming
restless at the thought of Britain’s inability to cope with national disasters
on a large scale. The reason for their concern is that technology is rapidly
outstripping(超越) man’s ability to control it. Oil tankers, for instance, have been allowed to get bigger and bigger without sufficient thought being given to emergency braking and manoeuvring arrangement. Collisions at sea continue, but little effect has A. The Dangers of Modern Technology B. The Problem of Oil Pollution C. Some Interesting Accidents D. A Meeting of the British Association [单项选择]A、B、C、D四个盒子中依次放有6、4、5、3个球。第1个小朋友找到放球最少的盒子,从其他盒子中各取一个球放入这个盒子;然后第2个小朋友找到放球最少的盒子,从其他盒子中各取一个球放入这个盒子……如此进行下去。当34位小朋友放完后,问B盒子中放有多少个球()
A. 4 B. 6 C. 8 D. 11 [单选题]《南方电网交易〔2009〕14号附件南网业扩管理标准》4.3规定:()向社会公布业扩的办理程序、服务标准、收费标准和收费依据开放客户受电工程市场不得对客户受电工程指定设计单位、施工单位和设备材料供应单位。
A.公开公正三不指定 B.公开市场三不指定 C.公开透明三不指定 D.市场透明三不指定 [单选题]接触网动态检测评价标准中接触线高度按( )为评价单位。
A.跨 B.区间(站场) C.锚段 D.公里 [单选题]根据焊钳形态,一般分为()焊钳两种。
A.H型焊钳和G型焊钳 B.X型焊钳和C型焊钳 C.X型焊钳和G型焊钳 D.H型焊钳和C型焊钳 [判断题]起重搬运时只能由一人统一指挥,必要时可设置中间指挥人员传递信号。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]宪法实施的监督包括以下内容()
A. 审查法律、法规和规范性法律文件的合宪性 B. 审查国家机关及其工作人员行为的合宪性 C. 审查公民行为的合宪性 D. 审查政党、社会团体等行为的合宪性 [单选题]高速铁路周边环境包括高速铁路安全保护区内及安全保护区外一定范围内,有可能影响高速铁路( )的一切外部因素。
A.运行安全 B.设备安全 C.人身安全 D.劳动安全 [填空题]妊娠()周以后,经腹可触及子宫内胎体,妊娠()周以后,触诊时能区分胎头、胎背、胎臀和胎儿肢体。
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