Motoring Technology 1.2 million road deaths worldwide occur each year, plus a further 50 million injuries. To reduce car crash rate, much research now is focused on safety and new fuels, though some electric vehicle and biofuel research aims at going faster. Traveling at speed has always been dangerous. One advanced area of research in motoring safety is the use of digital in-car assistants. They can ensure you don’t miss important road signs or fall asleep. Most crashes result from human and not mechanical faults. Some safety developments aim to improve your vision. Radar can spot obstacles in fog, while other technology "sees through" big vehicles blocking your view. And improvements to seat belts, pedal (脚踏)controls and A. heavy traffic B. human mistakes C. engine failure D. bad weather [单选题]根据《交通警察道路执勤执法工作规范》,下列描述不正确的是。( )
A.交通警察遇到正在发生的治安案件时,应立即通知治安部门,并等相关部门到达后才进行处置; B.交通警察在道路上执勤执法应当按照规定穿着制式服装,佩戴人民警察标志; C.对轻微违法行为,口头告知其违法行为的基本事实、依据,纠正违法行为并予以口头警告后放行; D.违法行为适用简易程序处罚的,交通警察对机动车驾驶人作出简易程序处罚决定后,应当立即交还机动车驾驶证、行驶证等证件,并予以放行。 [单选题]配电线路系指( )及以下配电网中的架空线路、电缆线路及其附属设备等。
A.6kV B.10kV C.20kV D.35kV [单项选择]数据库管理系统(DBMS)是 ______。
A. 一个完整的数据库应用系统 B. 一组硬件 C. 一组软件 D. 既有硬件,也有软件 [判断题]直流高频模块和通信电源模块应加装独立进线断路器。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]站场扩音转接机只完成室内对室外的扩音任务。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]按《塔里木油田钻井井控实施细则》规定:含硫化氢井场,在钻开油气层后进入井场的机具、车辆应戴有效的防火罩。
( ) A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交