For most companies today, getting into new markets with better, cheaper products, whether through an expansion or a new facility, is the sole objective. But (1) that, and doing it profitably means (2) and foremost knowing you will find the workforce.
The current nearly eight-year-long economic (3) has sent unemployment levels in the U.S. to (4) lows. Indeed, according to a recent study, some 80 percent of metropolitan areas today have unemployment rates (5) 6 percent; communities with highly skilled workers are hovering in the 2 to 4 percent range. Also (6) for that labor are foreign companies that have been operating here and want to expand.
(7) so many companies chasing the workforce, the (8) are high. The most important issue facing corporations is the (9) of qualified, entry-level labor at (10) wage rates.
But getting large groups of existing employees to (11)
A. completing
B. achieving
C. implementing
D. fulfilling
No one should be forced to wear a
uniform under any circumstance. Uniforms are demanding to the human spirit and
totally unnecessary in a democratic society. Uniforms tell the world that the
person who wears one has no value as an individual but only lives to function as
apart of a whole. The individual in a uniform loses all self-worth. There are those who say that wearing a uniform gives a person a sense of identification with a larger, more important concept. What could be more important than the individual himself If an organization is so weak that it must rely on cloth and buttons to inspire its members, that organization has no right to continue its existence. Others say that the practice of making person wear uniforms, say in a school, eliminates all envy and competition in the matter of dress, such that a poor p A. Wearing uniforms may eliminate people’s creativity during their work. B. Sense of identity can be achieved by the individual himself. C. Organizations may have more intrinsic worth than wearing a uniform would suggest. D. Freedom of choice is a right that cannot be removed by anybody. [单选题]电缆牵引时需要克服电缆盘轴孔和轴间的摩擦力。在孔轴配合较好的情况下,电缆盘起始牵引力(盘轴的摩擦力)相当于盘上15m长度电缆()。
A.张力 B.称重 C.重力 D.重量 [多选题]《关于进一步规范互联网购票旅客直接进站乘车管理的通知》(客函〔2012〕128号)规定:列车验票时,发现互联网购票旅客直接持本人有效身份证件原件未换取纸质在不具备条件车站进站上车的,列车长应核对()和()。
A.旅客所持的本人有效身份证件原件 B.“站车客运信息无线交互系统”手持终端提供的该旅客电子客票信息。 C.旅客有效身份证件 D.旅客的电子客票信息 [多选题]综合录井技术监测井漏的参数有()。
A.电导率 B.钻井液出口流量 C.总池体积 D.立压 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]阿尔卑斯狒狒的“首领”优先享有食物和配偶,这是()
A. 社群行为 B. 学习行为 C. 取食行为 D. 先天性行为 [单选题]钢轨探伤仪37°探头探测50kg/m钢轨第一螺孔时(声程为200mm),探头入射点移至距轨端35mm左右时,在荧光屏刻度( )左右显示轨端颏部反射波。
A.1格 B.2格 C.2.5格 D.3格 我来回答: 提交