Market research{{/B}} Market research has become more and more important in recent years. In some organisations, in fact, managers will not initiate any activity without market research to back. them up. The first thing to be said about market research is that it is not an{{U}} (21) {{/U}}to management decision-making. No form of market research, no matter how deep, complicated and detailed, can ever be seen as a substitute for creative decision-making by professional managers{{U}} (22) {{/U}}its very best, all it can do is{{U}} (23) {{/U}}some doubt and clarify the nature A. mode B. means C. way D. progress [单项选择]Questions 16~20
In some countries where racial prejudice is acute, violence has so come to be taken for granted as a means of solving differences, that it is not even questioned. There are countries where the white man imposes his rule by brute force; there are countries where the black man protests by setting fire to cities and by looting and pillaging. Important people on both sides, who would in other respects, appear to be reasonable men, get up and calmly argue in favor of violence—as if it were a legitimate solution, like any other. What is really frightening, what really fills you with despair, is the realization that when it comes to the crunch, we have made no actual progress at all. We may wear collars and ties instead of war-paint, but our instincts remain basically unchanged. The whole of the recorded history of the human race, that tedious documentation of violence, has taught us absolutely nothing. We have still not learnt that violence never solves A. he was not at all wise in listening B. he was not at all wiser than nothing before C. he gains nothing after listening D. he makes no sense of the argument [单选题]配电变压器测控装置二次回路上工作,应按低压带电工作进行,并采取措施防止电流互感器二次侧短路。
A.A.正确 B.B.错误 [单选题]在屏柜上拆接线时应在端子排( )进行,拆开的线应包好,并注意防止误碰其他运行回路,禁止将运行中的电流互感器二次回路开路及电压互感器二次回路短路、接地。
A.内侧 B.外侧 C.上侧 D.下侧 E.略 F.略 [单选题]带电作业工作票签发人应由具有带电作业资格和( )的人员担任。
A.熟悉设备情况 B.实践经验 C.考试合格 D.变电或线路第一种工作票签发人资格 [单项选择]11,12,12,18,13,28,( ),42,15,( )
A. 15 55 B. 14 60 C. 14 55 D. 15 60 [多项选择]人防工程可以分为六类,下列有关说法正确的是( )。
A. 指挥通讯工事包括中心指挥所和各专业队指挥所,要求有完善的通信联络系统和坚固的掩蔽工事 B. 专业队工事为消防、抢修、防化、救灾等各专业队提供掩蔽场所和物资基地 C. 人防疏散干道包括地铁、公路隧道、人行地道、人防坑道、大型管沟等,用于人员的隐蔽疏散和转移,负责各战斗人防片之间的交通联系 D. 后勤保障工事只提供物资仓库、给水设施,其他的归其他工事管理 E. 医疗救护工事包括急救医院和救护站,负责战时救护医疗工作 [单选题](49752)N1002型轨道起重机变幅工况,变幅时间为( )min。
A.2.5 B.2.0 C.4.0 D.4.5 [单项选择]18世纪后半叶,俄国颁布了( ),此法案奠定了近代俄国国民教育的基础。
A. 《莫雷尔法》 B. 《国民学校章程》 C. 《基佐法案》 D. 《关于公共教育的基本法》 [判断题]直流系统升降功率前应确认功率设定值不大于当前系统允许的最小功率,且不能超过当前系统允许的最大功率限制。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]起重机通常执行( )的检修保养工作制度。
A.预防性 B.预见性 C.防护性 D.计划性 [单项选择]行喉烫伤和烧灼伤分型的依据是()
A. 烫伤或烧灼伤的病因 B. 头面部损伤情况 C. 喉损伤情况 D. 下呼吸道损伤情况 E. 吞咽困难 [单项选择]室外给水管道直埋敷设在岩上,须在管沟内铺垫厚度为( )mm以上的粗砂。
A. 50 B. 70 C. 90 D. 100 [单项选择]血浆中的胆固醇酯是()
A. 由肝脏合成后释放入血 B. 由小肠吸收入血 C. 在血浆中经酶催化生成 D. 由肝外组织释放入血 E. 由血浆脂蛋白释放 [单选题]我国消防工作贯彻( )的方针。
A.以防为主,防消结合 B.预防为主,防消结合 C.专门机关与群众相结合 D.以防为主,以消为辅 [单项选择]以下分界口通信机的功能描述错误的是()。
A. 跟对方路局(上海局和广州局)互相传送调监画面数据 B. 跟对方路局互相发送普通调度命令,仅限于分界口车站 C. 给对方路局所有车站发送普通调度命令 D. 跟对方路局互相发送列控限速命令 [名词解释]炼乳
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