综合安全技术 |
from the Sky{{/B}} Lightning has caused awe and wonder since old times. Although Benjamin Franklin demonstrated lightning as an enormous electrical discharge more than 200 years ago, many puzzles still surround this powerful phenomenon. Lightning is generated when electrical charges separate in rain clouds, though processes’are still not fully understood. Typically, positive charges build at the cloud top, while the bottom becomes negatively charged. In most instances of cloud-to-ground lightning, the negatively charged lower portion of the cloud repels negatively charged particles on the ground’s surfaces, making it become positively charged. The positive charge on the ground gather A. Cloud-to-ground lightening occurring in the US B. Types of lightening C. Cause of lightening D. Differences between thunder and thunderstorm E. Frequencies of thunderstorms occurring in the world and the US F. Shock waves as thunder [单项选择]办理金额加按业务的借款人,必须符合在农业银行已理个人住房贷款业务已连续供款1年以上,能按月归还前期贷款本息,查询时点没有逾期未还贷款,且没有累计()的历史不良信用记录。
A. 逾期一期 B. 逾期二期 C. 逾期三期 D. 逾期四期 [单项选择]不符合胰岛细胞瘤病变描述的是()
A. 多为单发性结节 B. 可有包膜 C. 瘤细胞排列成岛状、条索状或腺泡状 D. 间质富含血窦 E. 依据HE染色细胞的形态特点可将其分为6种不同类型 [多选题]工作许可后,工作负责人、专责监护人应向工作班成员交待( ),告知危险点,并履行签名确认手续,方可下达开始工作的命令。
A.现场电气设备接线情况 B.工作内容 C.人员分工 D.带电部位 E.现场安全措施 [填空题]
The color of grass [单选题]在紫外光下观察,第2版欧元纸币背面地图、桥梁和面额数字呈现为()色。
A.红; B.绿; C.不发光; D.橙。 [判断题]心理学中的性格相当于我们平时所说的脾气、秉性。
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