The horse came into existence before
man on earth. Although the earliest remains of primitive horses have been found
on the North American continent, many scientists believe this small species
traveled over a land mass. It became extinct (绝种的) in America. Other scientists
believe that the horse may have originated in Asia. In any event the animal soon
spread into China, Europe, and the Middle East. The first modem horse to be
introduced into the American continent came with the early Spanish explorers.
Horses were bred into many types. The heavy horses developed in the low
countries of Europe and were used for work and by the medieval knights (中世纪骑士)
to fide. The oldest breed of horses is said to be the Arabian. The only true
wild horses left in 20th century are found in Mongolia. Horses are said to rate
in intelligence after the ape, t A. In the Middle East. B. In Europe. C. On the North American continent. D. In Spain. [单项选择]肘横纹至腕背横纹的骨度分寸是
A. 3寸 B. 5寸 C. 8寸 D. 12寸 E. 16寸 [单选题]唐代国子学、太学、四门学和崇文馆、弘文馆,属同类性质的学校,其设立体现了当时学校教育的
A.系统性 B.等级性 C.制度化 D.专门化 [判断题]长直载流导线周围的磁力线是环绕导线的同心圆形状,离导线越近,磁力线分布越密,离导线越远,磁力线分布越疏。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题][单选]治疗肾病综合征水肿哪项是错误的
A.利尿治疗不宜过快过猛 B.利尿需注意防低钾低氯血症 C.应大量输注白蛋白 D.肾功正常者可用渗透性利尿药 E.肾功能不全者慎用潴钾利尿药 [填空题]The key to being a winner is to have desire and a goal from which you refuse to be
deterred(被吓住). That desire fuels your dreams and the special goal keeps you 62. ______ focusing. Deeply down we all have a hope that our destiny is not to be average and prosaic. 63. ______ Everyone talks about a good game, but the winner goes out and do something. To win, 64. ______ there has to be movement and physical action. Attitudes and persistence can help us 65. ______ become who we want to be. Competition is the best motivator. Because many people use competition as an 66. ______ excuse for not doing something, those who really want to success see competition as an 67. ______ opportunity, and they are willing to do the tough work necessarily to win. 68. ______ Learn to deal with fear. Fear is the greatest deterrent to taking risk. People worry so 69. ______ much about failing that their fear paralyz [判断题]分包单位应根据施工规模及分包合同约定配备不少于2名的专职劳务管理员,负责劳动合同签订、考勤、工资发放、实名制管理等工作。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]驾驶双燃料(压缩天然气/汽油)轿车,在使用压缩天然气时,应按规定定期转换燃料运行,确保两种燃料供给及其转换系统工作正常。
[判断题]衡量政绩的最终标准是人民拥护不拥护、赞成不赞成、高兴不高兴、答应不答应。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在线路上清雪作业下道避车应距离钢轨头部外侧距离不少于( ),人员下道时应面向列车认真瞭望,防止列车上的抛落、坠落物或绳索伤人。
A.2m B.2.5m C.3.1m [单选题]开工前项目交底,设计单位就项目设计方案进行讲解,重点明确( )要求。
A.安全和进度 B.安全和质量 C.进度和质量 D.关键点质量 [单项选择]球体的展开,一般常采用()展开。
A. 素线法 B. 计算法 C. 图解法 D. 分瓣法 [判断题]突发事件应急指挥部负责信息汇总和综合协调,24小时值班室设在调度中心,负责应急救援信息的收集、汇总、传递及应急救援的总体协调联络。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]上海铁路局关于公布《上海铁路局运输收入管理办法》的通知(上铁收〔2017〕244号)规定,经过车站领导、财务部门同意后,可在工、农、中、建以外的其他银行开立收入账户。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]牙
A.上颌磨牙有2个牙根 B.下颌磨牙有3个牙根 C.牙主要由白色的牙质构成 D.牙周膜是介于牙龈和牙根之间的结缔组织膜 E.分为牙冠、牙根、牙颈三部分 [判断题]利润是收入减去费用后的余额。( )
[单选题]压力蒸汽灭菌时器械包的重量( )
A.5kg B.6kg C.7kg D.8kg E.10kg [判断题]企业内部安全生产是外因,政府监管、行业自律、社会监督是内因。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]胸膜摩擦音在下列何部位听诊最易听到
A. 双肺底 B. 双肺尖 C. 前下侧胸壁 D. 双乳房上部 E. 双肩胛下部 我来回答: 提交