In the jungle (丛林) you may get
hopelessly lost within five minutes after starting. That is{{U}} (36)
{{/U}}you should always carry a compass (指南针). In open country, during the
day, you can{{U}} (37) {{/U}}which way to go by studying the{{U}}
(38) {{/U}}. At night, the stars are sure{{U}} (39) {{/U}}to
direction. In most places the jungle rooftop (顶) is so{{U}} (40)
{{/U}}that it is{{U}} (41) {{/U}}to see the sun or the stars.{{U}}
(42) {{/U}}you must check your position by the{{U}} (43)
{{/U}}. Keep watchful (注意的,警惕的). Watch the ground in front of you
carefully.{{U}} (44) {{/U}}and listen now and a gain. Avoid{{U}}
(45) {{/U}}, and rest often. In a place{{U}} (46) {{/U}}is hot
and damp, the person who walks fast will soon become{{U}} (47) {{/U}}. A
steady (稳定的), slow step i A. thin B. high C. thick D. heavy [简答题]【HM】 电网无功补偿的原则是什么?
[判断题]2.11 持A3准驾车型记录的,准予驾驶B1准驾车型。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]The Arabs took the new numbers and made improvements that quickly led to advances in technology. (Passage Four)
[单选题]在汽车没有发生碰撞的情况下,安全气囊的使用年限一般是( )年。
A.5~6 B.15~20 C.7~15 D.9~10 [判断题]接收材料的公路管理机构或者高速公路路政大队有权决定是否受理路政许可。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列关于现金流量的计算表达式中,正确的有( )。
A.股权现金流量=实体现金流量-债务现金流量 B.股权现金流量=净利润-股东权益增加 C.债务现金流量=税后利息-净负债增加 D.实体现金流量=税后经营净利润-净经营资产增加 [单选题]“凡大法国兵船往来游弋,保护商船,所过中国通商口岸,均以友谊接待。”中法近代交往史的这一不平等规定,严重破坏了( )
A. 领土主权.司法主权 B. 关税主权.贸易主权 C. 领海主权.内河航行主权 D. 领土主权.关税主权 [单选题]在办理刑事案件中,下列应当进行重新鉴定的是 )。
A.鉴定内容有明显遗漏 B.对鉴定证物有新的鉴定要求 C.检材虚假或者被损坏 D.鉴定意见不完整,委托事项无法确定 [多项选择]当炮眼封泥采用水炮泥时,水炮泥外剩余的炮眼部分应用()封实。
A. 煤粉 B. 块状材料 C. 黏土泥 D. 不可燃而可塑性松散材料制成的炮泥 [单项选择]下列关于角色的理解,正确的是()
A. 角色内含着一系列的权利义务关系 B. 角色与身份是相同的 C. 角色与地位是相同的 D. 角色与社会期待无关 [简答题]简述尿毒症患者出血倾向的主要原因。
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