{{I}} Questions 14 to 17 are based on the
following passage. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds
to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.{{/I}} |
Sometimes, kids have extra challenges
making friends, even if you’re doing everything fight as a parent. All children are capable of having friends, although high self-esteem really helps them succeed, says Kathy Noll. Noll is the author of Taking the Buggy bi/the Horn. s, which offers help to both bullies and their victims. How can you tell whether your child may be having trouble making friends Noll lists several warning signs to watch for: depression, reluctance to go to school, difficulty concentrating, poor grades, doesn’t bring other kids home to play, seems to get along better with adults, ① To help your child make friends, you need to show that you care and can be trusted. Focus on the positive, Noll says. Instead of pointing out what is causing your child’s failure, talk about what he can do A. Ask children for exact reasons immediately. B. Tell them about their mistakes of making friends. C. Try to make your children trust you and talk to you. D. Leave them alone to solve the problem. [单选题]精神分裂症常见的注意障碍是
A.注意增强 B.妄想消退 C.注意衰退 D.注意涣散 E.注意转移 [单项选择]X线照片影像质量评价目前进入一新领域的是()
A. 视觉评价 B. 主观评价 C. 客观评价 D. 综合评价 E. 数学评价 [单选题]电客车设备维修部门是()。
A.车务部 B.综合管理部 C.车辆部 D.调度票务部 [单选题]禁止使用弯曲和变形严重的钢质地锚。
A.正确 B.错误 C./ D./ E./ F./ [单选题]统计推断的主要内容为( )
A. 统计描述与统计图表 B. 参数估计和假设检验 C. 区间估计和点估计 D. 统计预测与统计控制 E. 参数估计与统计预测 [单项选择]按照《证券投资基金管理办法》的规定,封闭式基金的收益分配每年不得少于( )次。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [判断题]安全管理是队伍管理综合性、经常性的基础工作,是有效履行职责使命的基本责任。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]国际上普遍把物流称为()。
A. 降低成本的最后边界 B. 增加成本的工作 C. 对成本没有影响的工作 D. 以上都不对 [判断题]纵梁的横向连接系应与梁的上、下翼缘连接。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]并沟线夹、压接管、补修管均属于( )。
A.线夹金具 B.连接金具 C. 保护金具 D.接续金具。 [判断题]iLOCK计算机联锁系统MMI采用“N+1热备”的工业控制PC机作为人机接口。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Car Thieves Could Be Stopped Remotely Speeding off in a stolen car, the thief thinks he has got a great catch. But he is in a nasty surprise. The car is fitted with a remote immobilizer (使车辆不能调动的装置), and a radio signal from a control center miles away will ensure that once the thief switches the engine (51) , he will not be able to start it again. For now, such devices (52) only available for fleets of trucks and specialist vehicles used on construction sites. But remote immobilization technology could soon start to trickle down to ordinary cars and (53) be available to ordinary cars in the UK (54) two months. The idea goes like this. A control box fitted to the car incorporates (55) miniature cellphone, a microprocessor and memory, and a GPS satellite positioning receiver. (56) the car is stolen, a coded cellphone signal will tell the unit to block the vehicle’s engine management system and A. the B. / C. a D. an [多选题] 为泄压所开启的有关阀门,在检修过程中应一直保持在可靠的全开位置,悬挂“( )”的安全标志牌。
A.禁止合闸 B.禁止操作 C.有人工作 D.在此工作 [多选题]经启运地口岸动植物检疫机关检验检疫合格的出口动植物、动植物产品和其他检疫物运抵出境口岸时,下列处理方式正确的是:( )。
A.动物应当经出境口岸动植物检疫机关临床检疫或者复检 B.植物、动植物产品和其他检疫物改换运输工具出境的,由出境口岸动植物检疫机关换证放行 C.植物、动植物产品和其他检疫物随原运输工具出境的,由出境口岸动植物检疫机关验证放行 D.植物、动植物产品和其他检疫物到达出境口岸后超过规定检疫有效期的,应当重新报检 [单选题]水文三等水准测量的视距长度计算位数取至( )。
A.5dm B.2dm C.0.5m D.0.lm [判断题]划线时不但要划出清晰均匀的线条,还必须保证尺寸正确,通常精度要求控制在0.1~0.25mm之间。
A. 开郁种玉汤 B. 逍遥散 C. 柴胡疏肝散 D. 四逆散 E. 龙胆泻肝汤 [单选题]安全文化是人类在生产、生活、生存活动中,为保护身心安全与健康所创造的有关()的总和。
A.规章制度和法律法规 B.物质财富和精神财富 C.安全知识和文化知识 我来回答: 提交