Rowena and Billy Wrangler are model
high school students. They study hard and do extremely well on achievement
tests. And next year, Rowena will be attending Harvard University. Billy, her
younger brother, hopes to go to Cornell. What makes Rowena and Billy different
from most students is that they don’t go to school. In fact, they’ve never been
to school. Since kindergarten, they’ve studied at home. Neither Rowena nor Billy
feels as if they’ve missed out on anything by being taught at home. Like many of
more than one million people who receive home schooling in the United States,
they feel as if they’ve gotten a good education. The home-schooling trend began in the U. S. in the 1980s with parents keeping their children out of public schools so they could provide religious education at home. Today, as the home-schooling t A. parents can do a better job than schools B. home-schooling will be more and more useful C. students taught at home make greater achievements D. home-schooling is good in some aspects [单选题]化工循环水泵开出备泵顺序为( )。
A.①开同一供电线路上的备泵;②开另一供电线路上的备泵,如遇另一线路无备泵或开不出备泵;③若仍开不出,在无备泵情况下,将运行各泵的出口阀开大。 B.①开另一供电线路上的备泵,如遇另一线路无备泵或开不出备泵;②开同一供电线路上的备泵;③若仍开不出,在无备泵情况下,将运行各泵的出口阀开大。 C.①若开不出,在无备泵情况下,将运行各泵的出口阀开大;②开另一供电线路上的备泵,如遇另一线路无备泵或开不出备泵;③开同一供电线路上的备泵。 D.①开同一供电线路上的备泵;②若开不出,在无备泵情况下,将运行各泵的出口阀开大;③开另一供电线路上的备泵,如遇另一线路无备泵或开不出备泵。 [单选题]原理接线图表明二次设备的工作原理和回路编号,既可作为二次接线设计的原始依据,又可直接用于施工。
A.A.对 B.B.错 [判断题]可疑物品是指可能发生危及地铁设备设施安全、人身安 全的物品(包括不明物品、无人看管的包裹等)。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]无论正常和事故情况下,带电体与地或带电体相间都不会发生电击穿的间距叫做安全间距。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在42题实例中,该企业应该( )。
A. 在法定申报时限内申报不存在滞报问题 B. 向海关缴纳1天的滞报金 C. 向海关缴纳2天的滞报金 D. 向海关缴纳3天的滞报金 [简答题]在仪表安装中,如没有特定的要求,尽量减小安装的管路长度,以减小仪表动态特性中的时滞。( )
[判断题]法兰按国家标准( )分为:整体法兰.螺纹法兰.对焊法兰.带颈平焊法兰.带颈承插焊法兰.对焊环带颈松套法兰.板式平焊法兰.对焊环板式松套法兰.平焊环板式松套法兰.翻边环板式松套法兰.法兰盖。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]查找直流接地时,用仪表检查时,所用仪表的内阻不应低于500Ω/V;
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]数据库系统发生故障时,可以基于日志进行恢复。下列选项中,()是日志记录的内容。
A. 事务开始信息 B. 更新信息 C. 提交信息 D. 事务中止信息 [单选题]以下哪个方面不能决定商品权重。( )
A. 商品人气 B. 商品产出 C. 商品单价 D. 作弊处罚 [多选题]在产品运营过程中,可以利用搜索指数来进行()。(1分)
A.用户画像分析 B.热点追踪 C.趋势研究 D.竞品分析 [简答题]客票的有效期是如何计算的?
A.疾病筛检 B.健康促进 C.接种疫苗 D.病后康复 E.遗传咨询 我来回答: 提交