Every profession or trade, every art
and every science has its technical vocabulary, the function of which is partly
to designate things or processes which have no names in ordinary English, and
partly to secure greater exactness in nomenclature. Such special dialects, or
jargons, are necessary in technical discussion of any kind. Being universally
understood by the devotees of the particular science or art, they have the
precision of a mathematical formula. Besides, they save time, for it is much
more economical to name a process than to describe it. Thousands of these
technical terms are very properly included in every large dictionary, yet, as a
whole, they are rather on the outskirts of the English language than actually
within its borders. Different occupations, however, differ widely in the chara A. government B. sports C. fishing D. natural science [判断题]起重链不得打扭.亦不得拆成单股使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]属于资本公积核算内容的是()。
A. 股本溢价 B. 接受现金捐赠 C. 接受技术改造拨款 D. 外币资本折算差额 E. 债权人豁免的债务 [单项选择]王某在商场见一妇女为购一衣服正欲付款,遂上前一把抓过该妇女手中的2000元钱,并骂:“不像话,不和我商量就来买东西。”王某的行为构成:()
A. 抢劫罪 B. 抢夺罪 C. 诈骗罪 D. 招摇撞骗罪 [判断题]( )FOCKE401小盒透明纸包装机梨型折叠导轨对烟包顶部,底部透明纸的下侧边进行折叠,然后上下边预封烙铁封接,以防止在烟包输送过程中已被折叠的透明纸发生回弹
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]汗孔的别称是
A. 孤府 B. 玄府 C. 精明之府 D. 髓之府 E. 血之府 [单项选择]以下哪项不是口臭的常见原因()
A. 口腔不洁 B. 龋齿 C. 便秘 D. 消化不良 E. 牙疳 [多项选择]绿色食品畜禽养殖过程中必须严格执行()。
A. 《绿色食品动物卫生准则》 B. 《绿色食品兽药使用准则》 C. 《绿色食品饲料及饲料添加剂使用准则》 D. 《绿色食品食品添加剂使用准则》 [单项选择]婴幼儿头皮静脉输液,一般每分钟不超过( )。
A. 10滴 B. 20滴 C. 30滴 D. 40滴 E. 50滴 [多选题]小辉和小广在街边被社会工作者发现,通过聊天得知小辉今年刚考上大学,由于无法承担学费,在路边乞讨,认识了流浪儿童小广。社会工作者了解情况后,为小辉提供了一笔临时性补助,并将小广送往社会救助站。上述社会工作者的介入属于( )。
A.资源整合 B.危机干预 C.安置服务 D.经济援助 E.心理辅导 [多选题]道德与政治、法律、艺术等意识形式有密切的关系,具有( )等功能。
A.认识 B.调节 C.教育 D.评价 E.管理 [简答题]《刑法》中关于黑社会性质组织的特征有哪些?
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