Computer programmer Brendan Tammy
earned £55,000 a year by designing new com-puter games, yet he cannot find a
bank prepared to let him have a check card. Instead, he has been told to wait
another two years until he is 18. He works for a small company in Liverpool, where most young people of his age are looking for jobs. Brendan’s biggest headache is how to use his money. Though he has high payment, he cannot drive a car, or get credit cards (信用卡). Brendan got his job four months ago, a year after leaving school with six O-levels (普通考试科目) and working for a time in a computer shop.“I got the job because the people who run the company knew I had already written some programs." he said. "I suppose 55,000 pounds sounds a lot but I hope it will come to more than that this year." He spends some of his money on records and cl A. he can’t be treated as an adult (成年人) by the bank B. he can’t make as many games as he wishes C. he doesn’t know what to buy with the money D. he had learnt to use computers at school [单选题]依据《国家电网公司输变电工程施工工艺标准库(2016年版)》要求,变电站重力式块石挡土墙施工,毛石砌体的灰缝厚度不宜大于(____)。
A.5mm; B.10mm; C.20mm; D.30mm; [单项选择]男性,55岁,烟瘾严重,患有肺气肿,因急性肺部剧烈疼痛、干咳、高热和水泻而入院。病人严重嗜睡和精神混乱。在随后几天里,他开始不间断地咳出粘液性脓痰,X线胸片显示单侧肺炎,肺下叶呈模糊状阴影,在痰液中亦发现含有嗜中性白细胞,用革兰染色法镜检,未发现病菌,气管引流物在普通血平板和巧克力平板培养未见细菌生长,但在富含L-半胱氨酸的活性炭-酵母浸出液琼脂培养基上培养4天后长出菌落,呈蓝绿色,含有革兰阴性短杆菌。最可能的病原菌是()
A. 肺炎克氏菌 B. 百日咳杆菌 C. 嗜肺军团菌 D. 结核杆菌 E. 流感嗜血杆菌 [单项选择]英译汉:“Brazil”,正确的翻译为______。
A. 巴西 B. 巴拿马 C. 比利时 D. 英国 [单项选择]患者,女,53岁,心悸,气短,自汗,腰膝酸软,小便频数而清,白带清稀,舌淡苔白,脉细弱,证属
A. 虚火喉痹 B. 噎膈 C. 癫病 D. 郁病 E. 消渴 [单选题]银行业金融机构应当依据相关法律法规、监管要求留存投诉资料,投诉办结后留存时间不少于()年,法律法规另有规定的除外。
A.3年 B.2年 C.5年 D.1年 [单选题]在技术站编组并到达相邻技术站,在区段内不进行摘挂作业的列车称为()。
A.中列转车 B.直达列车 C.区段列车 D.摘挂列车 [多选题]发生触电事故时,救护伤员应采取的正确措施有( )。
A.触电急救,使触电者迅速脱离电源 B.触电者未脱离电源前,救护人员不准直接用手触及伤员,以免触电 C.如触电者处于高处,要采取预防措施 D.伤员脱离电源后,应立即送医院急救 [单项选择]下列各项,不属于阴寒内盛脉象的是()
A. 滑脉 B. 紧脉 C. 迟脉 D. 结脉 E. 牢脉 我来回答: 提交