In a paper just published in Science,
Peter Gordon of Columbia University uses his study of the Piraha and their
counting system to try to answer a tricky linguistic question. The Piraha, a
group of hunter-gatherers who live along the banks of the Maiei River in Brazil,
use a system of counting called "one-two-many". In this, the word for "one"
translates to "roughly one" (similar to "one or two" in English), the word for
"two" means "a slightly larger amount than one" (similar to "a few" in English),
and the word for "many" means "a much larger amount". This question was posed by Benjamin Lee Whorl in the 1930s. Whorl studied Hopi, an Amerindian language very different from tile Eurasian languages that had hitherto been the subject of academic linguistics. His work led him to suggest that language not only influences thought but, mo A. the Dani’s thought was strongly restricted by their language B. the Dani could recognize more than they could name C. it is doubtful language influences what people think about D. there is considerable proof indicating language’s decisive role [单选题]YD07CG011030中性点接地,设备外露可导电部分(设备外壳)()的运行方式叫保护接零。
A.接地 B.接地或接零 C.接中性线 D.接负载 [单项选择]
ActiveX is the name (53) has given to a set of object-oriented concepts, technologies, and tools. It is important to notice that ActiveX is not a (54) technology, but a brand name, what it’s applied to can vary over time. However, the main technology is COM. Used in a network with a (55) and additional support, COM becomes the DCOM. The main object that is created when writing a program to run in the ActiveX environment is a (56) , a self-sufficient program that can be run anywher6 in the ActiveX network. This component is known as an "ActiveX control". An ActiveX control is roughly equivalent to a applet. One important difference is that an ActiveX control must be (57) for a specific platform, while an applet is platform-independent. 53()A. HP B. Cisco C. SUN D. Microsoft [单项选择]下列属于AFB隔离的是
A. 接触隔离 B. 严密隔离 C. 肠道隔离 D. 结核菌隔离 E. 血液隔离 [单选题]普通玻璃的红外发射率约为0.8左右,对太阳辐射能的透射比高达84%,而LOW-E玻璃的红外发射率最低可达到(____),能反射80%以上的红外能量。
A.0.03 B.0.07 C.0.3 D.0.5 [单选题](47332)按隧道长度(L)分,( )为小隧道。(1.0分)
A.L>10000m B.3000m<L≤10000m C.500m<L≤3000m D.L≤500m [单项选择]超声预示即将排卵的声像图是()。
A. 卵泡张力高,透声好,直径20mm左右 B. 卵泡外周有回声晕圈 C. 卵泡内膜变成锯齿状 D. 卵泡向卵巢边缘靠近 E. 以上均是 [单选题]银行卡如因芯片损坏换卡,其电子现金余额在( )天后以脱机交易流水到账的结果为准
A.7 B.15 C.30 D.45 [不定项选择题]共用题干
In the past twenty years,there has been an increasing tendency for workers to move from one country to another. While some countries have restricted(限制)most ___________(1)to local people,others have attracted and welcomed migrant workers. This is particularly the case in the Middle East,___________(2)increased oil incomes have enabled many countries to call in outsiders to improve local facilities(设施).Thus the Middle East has attracted oil-workers___________(3)the U. S. A. and Europe.It has also brought in workers from many other countries,___________(4)South Korea and Japan. In view of the difficul州lying and working___________(5)in the Middle East,it is not surprising that the pay is high to attract suitable workers.Many engineers and technicians can___________(6)at least twice as much money the Middle East as they can in their own country, and this is a major ___________(7). Sometimes a disadvantage has a compensating(补偿的) advantage.For example, the___________(8)living conditions often lead to increased friendship when workers have to___________(9)on each other for safety and comfort. In a similar way,many migrant workers can save large sums of money partly because of the___________(10)of entertainment(娱乐)facilities. The work is often complex and full of problems but this merely presents greater challenge to engineers who prefer to find solutions to problems rather than do___________(11)work in their home country. One major problem which___________(12)migrant workers in the Middle East is that their jobs are temporary ones.They are nearly always on___________(13),so it is not easy for them to plan ahead with great confidence.This is to be___________(14)since no country welcomes a large number of foreign workers as permanent residents.In any ___________ (15),migrant workers accept this disadvantage,along with others, because of the considerable financial benefits which they receive. _________(10) A.range B.lack C.price D.number [单选题]若想直接删除文件,而不将其放入“回收站”,可在将文件拖到“回收站“时按住( )键
A.Shift B.Alt C.Ctrl D.Delete [单选题]因地形、地物影响视线的地方,进站、通过信号机的显示距离,在最坏条件下不得少于( )m。
A.400、 B.300、 C.200、 [简答题]机车段修时,万向轴有哪些检修技术要求?
[判断题]为了防止长期接触射线人员受到高于安全剂量射线的照射,应进行射线防护, 包括采用防护装置和缩短接触射线的时间。 ()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]并行性分支的汇合状态由()来驱动。
A.任意一分支的最后状态 B.两个分支的最后状态同时 C.所有分支的最后状态同时 D.任意个分支的最后状态同时 [单选题]卸车时,由()启封或检查后才能开始作业。
A.作业工组 B.货运员 C.货主 D.值班员 [单选题]下列各项关于政府补助的表述中,不正确的是()。
A.企业从政府无偿取得固定资产属于政府补助 B.企业从政府无偿取得土地使用权属于政府补助 C.政府作为所有者投入的资本属于政府补助 D.政府为企业提供担保不属于政府补助 [名词解释]新药研发
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]溢流能力小于()L/mim的安全阀为小流量安全阀.
A. 1 B. 5 C. 10 [单项选择]油水井冲砂一般选用()。
A. 正冲法 B. 反冲法 C. 正反混合冲法 D. 以上都可以 [单项选择]67.6~67.8(单峰)(单峰,若以氚代二甲基亚砜为溶剂时,为8.5~8.7)
A. 离子交换色谱 B. 聚酰胺色谱 C. 葡聚糖凝胶G D. 大孔吸附树脂 E. 硅胶或氧化铝吸附色谱选择合适的色谱条件分离下列各组化合物 [单选题]吊运物体的过程中,重物距地面一般在( )m以上,且吊物下方严禁站人。
A.0.3 B.0.4 C.0.5 D.0.6 我来回答: 提交