Although the dream of the home robot
has not died, robots have had their greatest impact in factories. Unimate, the
first industrial robot, went to work for General Motors in 1961. Even at a time
when computing power was costly, robots made excellent workers and proved that
machines controlled by computers could perform some tasks better than humans. In
addition, robots can work around the clock and never go on strike. There are now about 800 000 industrial robots around the world, and orders for new robots in the first half of 2007 were up a record 26% from the same period in 2006, according to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). Demand is increasing as prices fall: a robot sold in 2007 cost less than a fifth of an equivalent robot sold in 1990, for example. Today, in car factories in Japan, Germa A. become more and more popular among families B. be made just like the ones in Hollywood movies C. be used more widely in agricultural contexts D. be able to do housework with high intelligence [判断题]停仪表风时VCM装置需要全线停车。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]电喷发动机按喷油器数量可分为()和()。
A -- Three gold medals in one "Dynasty" — The Sino-French Joint Venture Winery Ltd. [单选题] 施行交叉的目的是为了( )。
A.延长通话时间 B.提高通信质量 C.提高通话语音的清晰度 D.减少串音电流 [名词解释]化学分析的任务
[判断题]( ) 凡配备车辆防溜器具的地点,有关人员在办理交接班时,对负责管理的防溜器具及使用情况须办理"对口交接"。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]因流过无分支电缆线路各处的电流值均相等,顾可在电缆线路任何地段测试电缆外皮温度。
)。 A.以盗伐林木罪定罪处罚 B.以盗伐林木罪和掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得罪数罪并罚 C.以盗伐林木罪和盗窃罪定罪,实行数罪并罚 D.以盗窃罪和非法收购盗伐的林木罪,实行数罪并罚 [单项选择]妇女面青多由于()
A. 水饮内停 B. 湿热下注 C. 肝肾阴虚 D. 肝强脾弱 E. 肾阴虚 我来回答: 提交