On screens big and small, young heroes like Harry Potter and Buffy, the Vampire Slayer are marked by their ability to transform themselves when faced with danger. Post-9-11, in a world that seems increasingly out of control, such flexibility is more prized than ever. So perhaps it’s not surprising that the classical master of metamorphosis, Ovid, is having a comeback. The ancient Roman poet created a universe full of magical transformations; his best-known work "Metamorphoses" depicts constant change as a creative and inevitable life force. Now a new generation of writers, artists and composers is rediscovering his powerful themes.
Ovid’s historical impact had been vast. In her new book, Fantastic Metamorphoses, Other Worlds, Marina Warner explores on the likes of Chaucer, Dante and Shakespeare. His stories find vivid expression in the works of artists like Raphael, Rembrandt, Chagall and Picasso. For "Metamorphosing", a new exhibit at Lond
A. accurate English versions of the original
B. rather free and not easy to understand
C. close to the original but mediocre in style
D. quite literal but not very good
The Internet can make the news more
democratic, giving the public a chance to ask questions and seek out facts
behind stories and candidates, according to the head of the largest US on-line
service. "But the greatest potential for public participation is still in the future," Steven Case, chairman of America On-line, told a recent meeting on Journalism and the Internet sponsored by The Freedom Forum(讨论会), though some other speakers say the new technology of computers is changing the face of journalism, giving reporters access to more information and their readers a chance to ask questions and turn to different sources. "You don’t have to buy a newspaper and be confined to the four comers of that paper anymore," Sam Meddis, on-line technology editor at USA Today, observed about the variety of information available to computer A. pessimistic B. optimistic C. doubtful D. unknown [多选题]以下鉴别2015年版第五套人民币100元纸币光变镂空开窗安全线方法和效果正确的是()
A.A:自然光下,倾斜移动观察,可见安全线颜色在品红和绿色间变化 B.B:透光观察,可见安全线中正反交替排列的镂空文字 C.C:紫外光下,可见明亮的绿色荧光效果 D.D:用手触摸,具有明显的凹凸感 [配伍题]只能用于无髓牙的是哪一种修复体() |必须使用沟固位形的是哪一种修复体() |美观性最差的是哪一种修复体()
A. 嵌体 B. 铸造金属全冠 C. 桩冠 D. 树脂全冠 E. 3/4冠 [单项选择]Americans usually consider themselves a friendly people. Their friendships, however, tend to be shorter and more casual than friendships among people from other cultures. It is not uncommon for Americans to have only one close friend during their life-time, and consider other "friends" to be just social acquaintances. This attitude probably has something to do with American mobility and the fact that Americans do not like to be dependent on other people. They tend to "compartmentalize" friendships, having "friends at work" ,"friends on the softball team", "family friends", etc.
Because the United States is a highly active society, full of movement and change, people always seem to be on the go. In this highly charged atmosphere, Americans can sometimes seem brusque or impatient. They want to get to know you as quickly as possible and then move on to something else. Sometimes, early on, they will ask you questions that you may feel are very personal. No insult is intended; the ques A. extremely free B. highly responsible C. very cheerful D. full of mobility and change [不定项选择题](三)
A.李某脱逃后,法院可中止审理 B.在通缉李某一年不到案后,甲市检察院可向甲市中级法院提出没收李某违法所得的申请 C.李某的近亲属只能在6个月的公告期内申请参加诉讼 D.在审理没收违法所得的案件过程中,李某被抓捕归案的,法院应裁定终止审理 [判断题]高速铁路道岔按功能可分为正线道岔、渡线道岔和联络线道岔三种类型。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于片剂包薄膜衣特点说法不正确的是()
A. 节省辅料 B. 操作简化,生产周期短 C. 片重增重小 D. 不能完全掩盖片剂原有色泽 E. 可以加快片剂的崩解 [单项选择]具有补气生血功用的方剂是()
A. 四君子汤 B. 参苓白术散 C. 当归补血汤 D. 补中益气汤 E. 生脉散 [多选题]抢险救援人员进入有毒或浓烟建筑物中,搜寻和救助被困人员的要领正确的有( )。
A.首先选好紧急时逃生的退路,并安排好掩护救援的水枪 B.进入建筑物时不要沿室内周围墙壁行走 C.尽早打开外墙窗户,加快空气流通,排除烟雾和有毒气体,增加室内能见度 D.在建筑物内搜寻遇难人员时,所有小隔间.橱柜.浴室及家具背后等各个部位和角落,均应搜寻到 [单选题]实现理想会出现逆境,逆境( )
A.降低了实现理想目标的可能性 B.不会消解实现理想目标的可能性 C.提高了实现理想目标的可能性 D.消解了实现理想目标的可能性 [单选题]佝偻心情:指受到压抑的心情或不能充分流露或发挥的心情。下列不属于佝偻心情的是( )。
A.小雪在某公交站挤乘公交车时,不慎丢失了身份证,回家后越想越气,又不好对家人发火,只好一人独坐,默不作声 B.晓旭在卡拉OK演唱会上演唱时因起音太高,在唱到高音时未能唱上去,只好勉强唱完,下场后为此不禁潸然泪下 C.小刚在复习备考时常常因起早贪黑而忘记吃营养品,妈妈为此很着急,每天专门为孩子精心准备一袋牛奶并看着他喝下才离开 D.小毛在单位一向受到好评,但年度评优时因名额有限而未能评上,小毛为此闷闷不乐,最近一段时间才有了较大改观 [单项选择]行驶中,发动机的最佳水温应为()。
A. 65℃~75℃ B. 80℃~90 C. 95℃以上 [简答题]已知一台三相异步电动机的额定转速为960r/min,电源频率50Hz,转子电阻0.03Ω,转子不动时的感抗和电势分别为0.16Ω和25V.试求额定转速下转子电路的电势、电流及功率因数。
A. 粗长 B. 粗短 C. 细长 D. 细短 [单项选择]Selling styles differ in many ways, but we should know their fundamental differences.()
A. 销售风格在很多方面有差异,但我们应该知道其根本的差异。 B. 销售风格在很多方面有差异,但我们应该知道它们在功能上的不同。 C. 每个人在销售风格上有很多差异,但我们应该知道其根本的差异。 D. 在销售风格方面的不同,使我们知道它们的根本差异。 [判断题]冻伤急救,应将伤员身上潮湿的衣服剪去后用干燥柔软的衣服覆盖,并立即烤火或搓雪。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]用库仑滴定法测定有机弱酸时,可选用能在阴极产生滴定剂的物质为( )。
A. H2O B.H+ C. Fe3+ D.Cl2 E. MnO4- [多选题]资本市场的特点有( )。
A.融资期限长 B.风险较货币市场小 C.流动性相对较差 D.风险大而收益较高 我来回答: 提交