To get some idea of the amount of heat
the sun gives off, think about this. If you could collect all the heat that hits
the earth in a two-week period, it would equal the amount of all other known
sources and reserves of energy: Wood, coal and oil. But even these sources of
energy depend on the sun for their formation. For example, a tree would
certainly never grow and provide fuel in the form of wood were it not for the
sun. Because the sun is so important in the production of all forms of heating fuel, more and more time and money are being spent studying ways to change power from the sun directly into a form of heat. The process currently in use for collecting energy from the sun--known as solar energy--is quite simple. The sunlight hits a metal plate known as a flat-plate collector and the plate absorbs the heat front the sun. This A. More. B. Less. C. As much as. D. About the same. [单项选择]通常中等画面()铅笔芯磨细了可画小画面,磨粗了可画大画面,而一般画面则基本都使用()铅笔,所以()铅笔在熟练的动画员手中可以说是万用铅笔。
A. 0.7;0.5;0.5 B. 0.3;0.7;0.5 C. 0.3;0.3;0.3 D. 0.5;0.5;0.5 [单项选择]The farmers are ()seeds over the field.
A. staggering B. dispersing C. scattering D. spreading [单项选择]
甲股份有限公司(以下简称甲公司)2010年度发生如下经济业务: A. 90000元 B. 0 C. 20000元 D. 60000元 [单项选择]汽车零部件或总成的平均维护时间等于维护该机件时总的维护工时()维护次数。
A. 乘以 B. 除以 C. 加上 D. 减去 [单项选择]
{{B}}TEXT E{{/B}} Rabies is an ordinarily infectious disease of the central nervous system, caused by a virus and, as a rule, spread chiefly by domestic dogs and wild flesh-eating animals. Man and all warm-blooded animals are susceptible to rabies. The people of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome ascribed rabies to evil spirits because ordinarily gently and friendly animals suddenly became vicious and violent without evident cause and, after a period of maniacal behaviour, became paralysed and died. Experiments carried out in Europe in the early nineteenth century of injecting saliva from a rabid dog into a normal dog proved that the disease was infectious. Preventive steps, such as the destruction of stray dogs, were taken and by 1826 the disease was permanently eliminated in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Though urban centres on the continent of Europe were cleared several times during the nineteenth century, they soon became reinf A. enter immediately to the brain B. develop immediately to the wound C. incubate for l0 days to 8 months D. pass into a fresh wound [单项选择]世界银行规定的项目总建设成本中,( )不是其组成部分。
A. 应急费用 B. 项目间接建设成本 C. 估算误差费用补偿 D. 建设成本上升费用 [多选题]氧气充填泵在20MPa压力检查时,应:[ ]
A.不漏油 B.不漏气 C.不漏水 D.无杂音 [单选题](2014年 )下列各项认定中,与 所审计期间 各类交易、事项及相关披露、 期末账户 余额及相关披露均相关的是( )。
A.发生 B.完整性 C.截止 D.权利和义务 我来回答: 提交