The ARPANET () ( the rules of syntax that enable computers to communicate on a network) were originally designed for openness and flexibility, not for () The ARPA researchers needed to share information easily, so everyone needed to be an unrestricted "insider" on the network. Although the approach was appropriate at the time, it is not one that lends itself to today’s commercial and government use.
As more locations with computers (known as () in Internet parlance)joined the ARPANET, the usefulness of the network grew. The ARPANET consisted primarily of university and government computers, and the applications supported on this network were simple: electronic mail ( E - mail), electronic news groups, and () connection to other computers. By 1971, the Internet linked about two dozen research and government sites, and researchers had begun to use it to exchange () not directly related to the ARPANET itself. The network was becoming an important tool for col
A. sites
B. places
C. locations
D. positions
A long, imaginary prose (散文) story
about people is usually called a novel. It can be about any kind of man, woman, or child. It can be a- bout kins (空族) , or Chicago newsboys, or convicts (罪犯) , or housewives. The Frenchman, Victor Hugo, wrote his novel Les Miserables about a poor man who stole a loaf of bread to keep from starving (饿死).The American, Ernest Hemingway, wrote A Farewell to Arms about a young American with the Italian Army in World War I A novel can tell the story of any kind of action, over any period of time. The modern Irish (爱尔兰的) writer, James Joyce, covers less than twenty-four hours in Ulysses. Yet Joyce takes a thousand pages to tell all that happens from the time one man gets up in the morning until he goes to bed early the next morning. A German writer, Herman Hesse, uses only one hundred and fift A. kings B. what happens in a single day C. soldiers in battle D. people [判断题]从事食品生产,应当依法取得食品生产许可。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
监理项目实行总监理工程师负责制,对信息工程监理合同的实施负全面责任,如果监理工程师出现工作过失,违反了合同约定,由 (28) 向建设单位承担违约责任;重大工程质量事故发生后,总监理工程师首先要做的事情是 (29) ,在处理工程质量事故时应解决的关键问题是 (30) 。 (29)应选入()A. 签发《工程暂停令》 B. 要求承建单位保护现场 C. 要求承建单位24小时内报 D. 更换监理工程师 [判断题]改革能源结构,有利于控制大气污染源。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]机车信号的显示,应与线路上列车接近的地面信号机的显示()。
[单选题]在( )上,周恩来鲜明地提出“求同存异”的方针。
A.开罗会议 B.罗马会议 C.日内瓦会议 D.万隆会议 [单选题]体内脱氧核苷酸是由下列哪种物质直接还原而成的
A. 核糖 B. 核糖核苷 C. -磷酸核苷 D. 二磷酸核苷 E. 三磷酸核苷 [简答题]如何表达查询得到的结果?
[单选题]在高压线路附近工作时,应先检查与高压线的距离是否符合规定,若不符合,要采取( )的措施。
A.防止误碰高压线 B.断电 C.挂警示牌 [单选题]原料油及产品换热器副线阀关不到位会造成原料油温度( )。
A.A、 升高 B.B、 降低 C.C、 不变 D.D、 波动 [填空题]price23
A. 几种品牌忠诚者 B. 铁杆品牌忠诚者 C. 转移品牌忠诚者 D. 不确定 [单选题]【单选题】干部退出仪式,由()及以上单位组织
A.总队 B.中队 C.支队 D.部局 [单选题]88.金属及合金在室温或高温时,抵抗各种化学作用的能力称金属的( )性能。
A.A、机械 B.B、化学 C.物理 D.工艺 [单选题]医疗救护和勤务保障组由供应科、工会办公室、财务科人员组成,( )任组长。
A.工会负责人 B.供应科负责人 C.财务科负责人 D.综合办公室负责人 [单项选择]The main points discussed in the passage is______.
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