Passage 1 What determines the rate of exchange between currencies will be examined later in this book let, but first it is useful to consider the mechanics of international transactions. To enable a UK importer to pay his American supplier, for example, the facilities of two or more banks are used, firstly in handling the often complex documentation and secondly, through the foreign exchange market, in obtaining the currency required. At one time payments to and from othe A. To issue a banker’s draft. B. To arrange for payment by mail transfer. C. To make the payment to its correspondent bank. D. To ask the importer to pay the money on his dollar account. [判断题]液压剪断器是一种以剪切圆钢、型材及线缆为主的专用抢险救援工具,用于破拆金属或非金属结构。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]诊断持续性肺动脉高压,最重要的检查是
A. 胸片 B. 腹部平片 C. 心脏彩超 D. 头颅B超 E. 头颅CT [判断题]托运人将运至到站的包裹变更至新到站,在原到站免费保管3天,超过日数应按规定收取保管费。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题](类别:号段管理难度:中等)潜在需求的客观存在性,是指潜在需求是客观存在的,是能够通过观察、分析和研究,而被销售人员发现和挖掘并实施服务。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1.9.第9题
红外测温时待测设备应处于()状态 A.热备用 B.冷备用 C.运行 D.检修 [多选题]现行流通英镑纸币( )面额有对印图案。
A.5英镑 B.20英镑 C.10英镑 D.50英镑 [单项选择]
A. 50 B. 20 C. 30 D. 10 [简答题]标志着中国新民主主义开端的是哪次运动?
A. 保险合同被变更 B. 保险合同无效 C. 保险合同被解除 D. 保险合同终止 我来回答: 提交