The next decade could see commuters
speeding to work at about 300 miles per hour aboard magnetic levitation
vehicles, according to a report by Argonne National Laboratories. But before
"maglev" vehicles can become commercial successes, the report says, people need
to stop thinking of them as high-speed trains. Instead, consider them low-flying
aircraft. Argonne contends that maglev vehicles will be best suited to replace
commuter aircraft. Plane flights under 600 miles are the least energy-efficient,
and maglev "planes" should cut these fuel needs by up to 75 percent. Reportedly,
the money saved by a 2,000- mile maglev network linking major cities world more
than pay for its construction in 20 years. The quiet purr of levitating crafts
would also be a balm for neighborhoods tormented by the roar of conventional
takeoffs and landings. The technolo A. The Future of Transportation B. Argonne Develops Maglev Train C. The Disadvantages of Commuting by Airplane D. Commuting in the Future [单选题]在进行重大危险源评价时,如果一种危险物质具有多种事故形态,且它们的事故后果相差不大,则评价事故后果时应遵循的原则是()。
A.概率相乘原则 B.概率求和原则 C.最大危险原则 [单选题]根据公司《领导带班值班管理制度》,( )要对领导干部带班负全责。
A.主要负责人 B.安全负责人 C.生产负责人 D.专职安全管理人员 [判断题]工作领导人和值班员对工作票内容有不同意见时,要向(发票人)及时提出,经过认真分析,确认(正确无误),方准作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )车站无须上报“清算运统1”。
A.编组站发出列车 B.区段站发出列车 C.中间站始发列车 D.中间站列车会让 [简答题]水轮机剪断销被剪断的原因有哪些?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]氧气管道通过高温区域应采取隔热措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]某年四月,李某与王某就进口原材料事宜出国考察,在某国际机场中转回国停留期间,经人推荐,李、王二人各自购买两本外国某学者所写歪曲我军历史、诋毁诬蔑我国老一辈国家领导人的所谓揭秘类书籍,并私自携带入境。之后,二人将该书借给亲朋好友传看时被公安机关查扣。二人上述行为在社会上造成了不良影响, 李某和王某行为违反了组织纪律。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]关于行政处罚听证程序中的听证笔录,下列说法正确的是
A.行政处罚听证应当制作笔录 B.听证笔录应当交当事人审核无误 后签字或者盖章 C.听证笔录应当当场交付当事人 D.听证结束后,行政机关依照听证 笔录作出决定 [单项选择]库存现金的经营原则是( )。
A. 越少越好 B. 越多越好 C. 零库存 D. 保持适度规模 我来回答: 提交