2.施工过程中发生的与沿途村民的临时占地、青苗赔偿等沟通协调事项由总包方授权A工程公司负责进行。 根据建设单位的要求,管道工程按照绿色施工的理念组织施工,实现“四节一环保”。总包单位编制了绿色施工方案,把机械设备、机具的节能作为一个重点内容。
事件二:长输管道支线路经一个llokV变电站时,施工单位考虑施工方便,将变电站的一片绿地作为施工用地和管段临时堆放场地,受到电力管理部门的处罚。 总包单位加强了内、外部沟通和协调,使工程得以顺利进展。
there are ten blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank.there are four choices marked A.B.C and D. Chosse the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.
I have been very lucky to have won the Nobel Prize twice, It is, of course, very exciting to have such an important (1) of my work. but the real pleasure was in the work itself. Scientific research is like an exploraion of a voyage of discovery. You are (2) trying out new things that have not been done before. Many of them will lead (3) and you have to try something different, but sometimes an experment does (4) and tells you something new and that it is really exciting, (5) small the new finding may be. it is great to think “I am the only person who knows this A. result from B. lie in C. rely on D. lead to [单项选择]
我们中华民族有悠久的历史和优秀的文化传统,有丰富的文化遗产,中国文化是世界上最古老的文化之一,______,我们的文化不同于其他古代文化的一个特点是,几千年来它一直没有中断,我们丰硕的文化遗产______可以丰富我国人民______可以丰富世界人民的精神文明的宝库。 A. 同时;不仅;而且 B. 但是;不仅;而且 C. 于是;既;也 D. 同时;既;也 [单选题]《高速铁路无砟轨道线路维修规则》第6.2.4条规定:250(不含)~350km/h线路轨道质量指数TQI管理值,波长范围1.5~42m水平TQI值为( )。
A.0.5 B.0.6 C.0.7 D.0.8 [单选题]如果吕某向两个有管辖权的人民法院提起行政诉讼的,应当由哪个人民法院管辖?
A.最先受到起诉状的人民法院 B.两个有管辖权的人民法院协商确定 C.最先立案的人民法院 D.共同上级人民法院指定管辖 [填空题]
Directions: Pick out the appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogues by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. A. Do you think that will help
B. That’s true.
C. You are wrong. D. What’s your trouble, Mike E. How long have you had the problem F. All right, doctor, I’ll try. G. Can I help you H. Thank you so much. (Mike comes to see Dr. Wang. W: Wang; M: Mike) W: (56) M: Well, doctor. It’s my eyes. I can’t see clearly. W: (57) M: Since last week, I think. W: Let me have a look. Oh, I guess you are working too hard these days and taking less care of your eyes. M: (58) What should I do then W: Well, when you feel tired, just stop working and come out to enjoy a short rest. Remeber, never go to bed too late and don’t read in bed. M: (59) W: Sure, Mike. M: (60) < [单选题]以下关于以太网交换机的说法哪些是正确的是( )
A.使用以太网交换机可以隔离冲突域 B.二层以太网交换机是一种工作在网络层的设备 C.单一VLAN的以太网交换机可以隔离广播域 D.生成树协议解决了以太网交换机组建虚拟私有网的需求 我来回答: 提交