232 Lincosin Road, Boston, MA 01256 U. S. A
Contract No. 1354
Date: December 23,2002
Simon Brothers’ Company Limited the employer, hereby employs Hu chang chun, the employee, to perform duties as stated below, in consideration for which the employer Will pay the employee at the rate of U. S. $2 000 per month and, in addition, compensate him for any other expenses incurred by him when he is carrying out his duties.
In keeping with the above-mentioned remuneraton, the employee shall agree to carry out the following duties, to negotiate with Chinese authorities about the cooperation between Simon’s group and China: to arrange for the visits of John Simon, president, and other executives to China; to act as authorized representative in any inquiries from Chinese parties.
In this employment, the employee shall act honestly, laboriously and to the best of his ability.
A complex operation called spinal
fusion has emerged as the treatment of choice for many kinds of back pain. But a
number of researchers say there is little scientific evidence to show that for
most patients, spinal fusion works any better than a simpler operation, the
lamineetomy (椎板切除术). Some people would be better off with no surgery at all.
Even doctors who favor fusions say that more research is needed on their
benefits. In the absence of better data, critics point to a different reason for the fusion operation’s fast rise: money. Medicare can pay a surgeon as much as four times more for a spinal fusion as for a laminectomy. Hospitals also collect two to four times as much. "We all cave in to market and economic forces," said Dr. Edward C. Benzel. Though doctors, as a rule, should favor the least complicated treatment—wi A. Spinal fusion provides a better cure than other treatments. B. Spinal fusion is no good to patients suffering from back pains. C. There is limited evidence as to which treatment is better. D. Doctors have great confidence in the benefits of spinal fusion. [单选题]3岁男孩,断母乳后一直饮鲜牛奶(喜冷饮),常有餐后脐周疼痛,面色苍白3个月,肝肋下可触及,脾未扪及,RBC4.0×1012/L,Hb90g/l,MCV72fl,网织红细胞0.015,WBC和PLT正常。外周血涂片示红细胞大小不等,以小细胞为主,中央浅染并可见多嗜性红细胞。血清铁蛋白11.2ug/L,红细胞游离原卟啉1.2umol/L,最可能的诊断是:
A.地中海贫血 B.营养性巨幼红细胞性贫血 C.铅中毒 D. 营养性缺铁性贫血 E.感染性贫血 [单项选择]邮件头中,由电子邮件应用程序根据系统设置自动产生的是
A. 邮件发送日期 B. 收件人地址 C. 抄送人地址 D. 邮件主题 [单项选择]关于地理常识,以下说法不正确的是( )。
A. 世界上面积最大的群岛是马来群岛 B. 世界上最大的湖泊是苏必利尔湖 C. 世界上最深的湖泊是贝加尔湖 D. 黄金储量最多的国家是南非 [单选题]更改有效期的药品属于
A.劣药 B.应召回药品 C.合格药品 D.等外药品 E.假药 [单选题]下列哪个血型容易发生溃疡病()
A.A型血 B.B型血 C.AB型血 D.O型血 E.Rh阴性型血 [多选题] 以下哪项是油惠通公众号的功能:
A.会员中心 B.网厅充值 C.电子发票 D.幸运大抽奖 [单项选择]
A. To make sure you are standing firmly enough at the shore. B. To make sure you are properly equipped. C. To make sure you are properly grounded at the shore. D. To make sure you are properly grounded off the shore. [多选题]某县公安局在办理一起盗窃案的过程中,为确定现场撬痕的形成情况,经办案部门负责人批准,在邀请见证人的情况下,由2名侦查人员进行了3次相同的侦查实验,并制作了侦查实验笔录。对于上述情况,下列说法错误的是()。
A.办案部门负责人无权批准进行侦查实验 B.侦查实验进行3次不妥,应该进行1次 C.侦查实验笔录应由2名以上侦查人员、被害人和见证人签名 D.邀请的见证人应为痕迹鉴定方面的专家 我来回答: 提交