My writing in my late teens and early
adulthood was fashioned after the U.S. short stories and poetry taught in the
high schools of the 1940s and 1950s, but by the 1960s, after I had gone to
college and dropped out and served in the military, I began to develop topics
and themes from my Native American background. The experience in my village of
Deetziyamah and Acoma Pueblo was readily accessible. My mother was a potter of
the well-known Acoma clayware. My father carved figures from wood and did
beadwork. There was always some kind of artistic endeavor that Native American
people, set themselves to, although they did not necessarily articulate it as
"Art" in the sense of Western civilization. When I turned my attention to my own
heritage, I did so because this was my identity, and I wanted to write about
what that meant. My desire was A. He realized that he had not been invited to the event as a representative of Native Americans. B. He remembered the sacrifices that his ancestors had made for the privilege of going there, even if only to be ignored. C. He was eager to read his poetry to an audience of other poets and literary critics. D. He wanted his writing and the writing of other Native American men and women to take on a more political tone. [单选题]糖皮质激素的作用是
A.抑制蛋白质分解 B.使血糖浓度降低 C.使肾脏排水能力降低 D.使血浆蛋白含量减少 E.使淋巴细胞和嗜酸性粒细胞数量减少 [单项选择]使用什么创建报表时会提示用户输入相关的数据源、字段和报表版面格式等信息
A. “自动报表” B. “报表向导” C. “图标向导” D. “标签向导” [单选题]丙县公安局治安大队民警刘某收取违法行为人王某姐姐的现金2000元,对王某殴打他人的行为不予追究。负责查处刘某执法过错的是( )。
A.丙县公安局治安大队 B.丙县公安局法制大队 C.丙县公安局督察大队 D.丙县公安局 [判断题]电气设备停电后(包括事故停电),在未拉开有关断路器(开关)前,不得触及设备或进入遮栏,以防突然来电。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]中国法院在处理下列关于船舶的涉外法律关系的适用中,应适用船旗国法律的是:
A. 甲乙之间转让船舶的所有权 B. 甲以自己的船舶为乙设定抵押权 C. 甲主张对乙船舶的优先权 D. 甲乙之间进行共同海损理算 [判断题]《铁路旅客运输规程》第19条规定,每一成人旅客可免费携带一名身高不足1.2米的儿童,超过一名时,超过的人数应买儿童票。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
As civilization proceeds in the direction of technology, it passes the point of supplying all the basic essentials of life-food, shelter, clothes, and warmth. Then we are faced with a choice between using technology to provide and fulfill needs which have been regarded as unnecessary or, on the other hand, using technology to reduce the number of hours of work which man must do in order to earn a given standard of living. In other words we either raise our standard of living above that necessary for comfort and happiness or we leave it at this level and work shorter hours. I shall take it for granted that mankind has, by that time, chosen the latter alternative. Men will be working shorter and shorter hours in their paid employment. It follows that the housewife will also expect to be able to have more leisure in her life without lowering her standard of living. It also follows that human domestic servants will have completely ceased to exist. Yet the great majority of th [单选题]GIS开关柜及组合电器“ ”时,检查开关柜指示灯显示应正确。()
A.大修 B.小修 C.中修 D.临时修 [多选题]带电作业工具应( )、( )、( ),并按厂家使用说明书、现场操作规程正确使用。
A.绝缘良好 B.接地良好 C.连接牢固 D.转动灵活 [判断题]通常情况下,纤维抗皱性越好、纱线捻度越大、织物越厚越紧密,约会导致悬垂性变差。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]如果一国来自国外的要素收入大于其支付给国外的要素收入,则该国的国内生产总值大于其国民收入。
A.有试验资质人员 B.工作负责人 C.班长 D.有经验的人员 [名词解释]Krukenberg瘤
A.RVML B.AVML C.VGML D.VLML [判断题]加强员工安全教育和培训,定期开展防抢、防盗、消防等安全演练。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )0°探头焊缝探测,仪器测距应不小于纵波声程200mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1岁小儿,发热3天,咳嗽,有痰不易咳出,一般状态好,双肺散在湿啰音,白细胞总数及中性粒细胞增多,X线胸片:两肺下散在斑片影,最可能的诊断是
A.急性支气管炎 B.急性喉炎 C.支气管肺炎 D.毛细支气管炎 E.支气管哮喘 [单选题]工艺和公用工程管道共架多层敷设时液化烃及腐蚀性介质管道布置在( )
A.下层 B.中层 C.上层 [单选题]道岔定位有表示,由定位向反位操纵时,道岔启动后烧反位DF保险,电流表指针瞬间摆动较大再回零,不能转换到底,无位置表示的原因是( )。[333020101]
A.X1与X2相混 B.X1与X3相混 C.X2与X3相混 D.X1与X4相混 [单选题]根据学习动机的作用与学习活动的关系,学习动机可分为( )。
A.内部学习动机和外部学习动机 B.高尚的动机与低级的动机 C.正确的动机与错误的动机 D.近景的直接性动机和远景的间接性动机 [单项选择]如果自动供油逻辑出现故障,会出现什么警告().
A. CAUTION灯亮 B. FAULT灯亮 C. 谐音钟声 D. 以上都对 [多选题]换轨前设置的铜导线两端必须用夹具牢固夹持在相邻的轨底上,作业完毕后方可拆除( )。
A.接地线 B.导线 C.供电线 D.接触网线 [判断题]在提速道岔转辙部分及可动心轨辙叉部分拨道时,应有电务部门配合。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交