Reality television is a kind of
television programming which, it is claimed, presents unscripted dramatic or
humorous situations, documents actual events, and features ordinary people
rather than professional actors. It could be described as a form of artificial
or heightened documentary. Although it has existed in some form or another since
the early years of television, the current explosion of popularity dates from
around 2000. Reality television covers a wide range of television programming formats, from game or quiz shows which resemble the crazy, often demeaning (贬低人的) programs produced in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s, to monitor focused productions such as Big Brother. Critics say that the term "reality television" is somewhat of a misnomer (误称) and that such shows frequently portray a modified and highly in A. for all programs B. just for Big Brother and Survivor C. for talent and performance programs D. for special-living-environment programs [单选题]下列各项中,认为公司应实行低股利政策的股利分配理论是( )。
A.“手中鸟”理论 B.信号传递理论 C.所得税差异理论 D.代理理论 [填空题]在离心风机叶轮中旋转的气体,因其自身的质量产生了( ),而从叶轮( )甩出,并将气体由叶轮出口处输送出去。
[单选题]避雷器的换算系数是( )。
A.0.2 B.0.1 C.0.05 D.0.3 [多项选择]下列属于一个完善的市场体系应具备的功能是()
A. 提高资源配置效率 B. 信息产生和传递 C. 实现经济结构的宏观调控 D. 利益关系调整 E. 社会评价功能 [单项选择]按《工程建设国家标准管理办法》,下列属于工程建设推荐性国家标准的编号是()。
A. GB50720 B. GB/T50353 C. GB/Tl4684 D. GBll945 [填空题]使用钢制垫铁时,要将几块垫铁相互焊牢,铸铁垫铁。
A. 打印机、绘图仪、显示器 B. 喷墨打印机、显示器、键盘 C. 激光打印机、键盘、鼠标 D. 键盘、鼠标、扫描仪 E. 显示器、扫描仪、绘图仪 [多选题]CR400AF动车组需要先断开VCB的操作有()。
A.小复位 B.牵引辅助复位 C.TCU复位 D.BC复位 [单选题]母丁香来源于
A.桃金娘科 B.芸香科 C.伞形科 D.木兰科 E.唇形科 [多选题]工作中把团的建设纳入同级党的建设总体规划,同部署、同落实、同检查,做到( )。
A.党团建设同步谋划 B.党团组织同步设置 C.党团力量同步配备 D.党团工作同步开展 [单选题]高[电]压:a)通常指超过低压的电压等级。b)特定情况下,指电力系统中( )的电压等级。
A.输电 B.变电 C.配电 D.用电 [单选题]下列GCU说法错误的是
A.两个GCU接受不同汇流条的直流电源,1#GCU电源来自于电瓶汇流条,而2#GCU电源来自于DC备用汇流条 B.GCU 具有失效-安全功能,以保证在GCU失效的情况下,电源系统能正常运转 C.BPCU对于GCB和BTB的开关命令由GCU来执行 D.GCU通过监控滑油压力和滑油温度来燃亮IDG驱动灯 [单选题]专责监护人临时离开时,应通知()停止工作或离开工作现场,待专责监护人回来后方可恢复工作。
A.工作班成员 B.作业人员 C.小组负责人 D.被监护人员 [判断题]所有农村配电网络,为避免接零与接地两种保护方式混用而引起事故,一律不得实行保护接零,而应采用保护接地方式。
[单项选择]An office is the "Brain" of a business. In an office, figures (数字), lists and information are collected and arranged to tell the managers or heads of the business what has happened and what is happening in their shops or factories.
Information comes into an office in all sorts of ways, but the main items of information come in regularly. It is part of the job of the clerks to collect, sort out and classify that information and to put it into such a form that it is easily interpreted (说明) and understood. Offices not only collect information but also classify it. This work of collection is common in an office from the sorting of mail every morning to the accountant’s (会计) work in finding out the final figure for the year’s profit. Classification always requires the arrangement of the same kind of information in lists or columns. For this work, as in all office work, correctness, accuracy and speed are necessary. These are the essentials of classifying. There is no va A. imaginary and creative B. patient and careful C. exciting and fast D. accurate and speedy [单项选择]
A. 12000元 B. 12400元 C. 14400元 D. 17000元 [判断题]专利的申请导致在岛津制作所的基础上进行推进的只能是西方国家,不存在技术保护的企业。
A.易粉碎的固体药品 B.不易粉碎的固体药品如脂肪、石蜡、羊毛脂等 C.凡士林 D.低凝点的液体 [单选题]高炉操作线yA等于yd与yi之和,其值在()之间。
A.1.0-1.33 B.1.25-1.33 C.1.25-1.5 D.1.33-1.5 [单选题]自轮运行大型养路机械摘挂车作业由( )负责。
A.被摘挂车运行正司机 B.被摘挂车运行副司机 C.动车运行正司机 D.动车运行副司机 [多项选择]根据《城镇污水排入排水管网许可管理办法》第七条,申请领取排水许可证,应当如实提交下列材料()
A. 排水许可申请表 B. 排水户营业执照 C. 排水隐蔽工程竣工报告 D. 按规定建设污水预处理设施的有关材料 [多选题]安全生产工作应当以人为本,坚持( ),坚持安全第一、预防为主、综合治理的方针,从源头上防范化解重大安全风险。
A.安全发展理念 B.人民至上、生命至上 C.把保护人民生命安全摆在首位 D.树牢安全发展理念 [单选题]空气压缩机作业区应保持清洁和干燥。贮气罐应放在通风良好处,距贮气罐( )m以内不得进行焊接或加热作业。
A.10 B.5 C.15 D.20 [简答题]说出该型号螺杆锚栓(膨胀螺栓)各数值含义:FZA22*100M16/80
[单选题]( )被誉为中国最古老茶区。
A.西南茶区 B.华南茶区 C.西北茶区 D.江北茶区 [单选题]玻璃纤维增强塑料接头管箱(Ⅱ类)的长度t均为()。
A.2000mm B.3000mm C.4000mm D.6000mm [单选题]下列各项中,不会引起企业利润总额发生增减变动的是( )。
A.计提存货跌价准备 B.确认服务收入 C.确认所得税费用 D.取得持有国债的利息收入 [单项选择]汽车局域网络中双线制数据线的两条线绞在一起是为了()
A. 便于传送信号 B. 抗电子干扰 C. 布线需要 我来回答: 提交