In 1959 the (41)
American family paid $ 989 (42) a year’ s supply of
food. In 1972 the family paid $1 311. That was a price (43)
of nearly one-third. Every family has (44) this sort of experience. Everyone agrees that the cost of (45) a family has risen sharply. But there is less agreement (46) reasons for the rise are being discussed. Who is really (47) Many blame the farmers who (48) the vegetables, fruit, meat, eggs and cheese (49) stores offer for (50) . According to the U.S. Department of (51) , the farmer’s share of the $ 1 311 spent by the family in 1972 was $ 521. This was thirty-one percent (52) than the farmer had received in 1959. But farmers claim that this increase was very small (53) to the increase in their cost of (54) A. earned B. pay C. expend D. had [单选题]PowerPoint2007打印演示文稿时,如果打印内容是讲义,最多在一页纸上可以打印(____)张讲义。
A. 3 B. 6 C. 9 D. 12 [单项选择]颅骨骨折影像,下列哪项不对()。
A. 颅骨骨折线 B. 鞍背骨质吸收 C. 蝶窦积液 D. 一侧乳突气房混浊 E. 颅内积气 [单选题]跨区间和全区间无缝线路的同一区间内单元轨条的最低、最高锁定轨温相差超过( )℃,必须做好放散或调整工作。
A.A.5 B.B.10 C.C.15 D.D.20 [单选题]更换绝缘夹板作业时,夹板和钢轨需要使用连接。
A.轨端绝缘板 B.绝缘套管 C.螺栓 D.平垫圈 [单项选择]抗高血压药的类别卡托普利
A. 利尿降压药 B. β受体阻断剂 C. 非二氢吡啶类钙拮抗剂 D. 血管紧张素Ⅱ受体拮抗剂 E. 血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂 [单项选择]地中海膳食结构被认为能够降低心血管疾病等非传染性慢性病的患病率,该膳食结构中的食用油脂尤其受到营养学界的关注,这种油脂是()
A. 紫苏油 B. 麦胚油 C. 花生油 D. 椰子油 E. 橄榄油 [单项选择]监理应在 (63) 阶段审查承建单位选择的分包单位的资质。
A. 建设工程立项 B. 建设工程招标 C. 建设工程实施准备 D. 建设工程实施 [单选题]最常见的女性生殖器官良性肿瘤是
A.子宫颈肌瘤 B.子宫肌瘤 C.成熟畸胎瘤 D.浆液性囊腺瘤 E.卵巢纤维瘤 [单项选择]每张处方开具的药品不得超过几种()
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 [单项选择]关于胶片特性曲线叙述错误的是()。
A. 描绘曝光量与密度之间关系 B. 横坐标为密度 C. 由足部、直线部、肩部、反转部构成 D. 足部曝光不足 E. 产生反转是由于潜影溴化的结果 我来回答: 提交