It is impossible that the people of the
world today could agree upon a single international language that everyone would
be able to speak and understand. In the United Nations there are five official
languages—English, Chinese, Russian, French and Spanish. How about making
one of them into an international language English has been worked on for this
purpose. A basic word list of 850 English words named Basic English was made.
These are the only verbs in the entire list: "come, go, give, keep, let, do,
put, make, say, be, seem, may, will, have, send. "Writing in Basic English may
require you to use a great number of words—as in having to say "it came to my
ear" instead of "I heard"—t you can still say anything you want to with just 850
different words and a few suffixes and prefixes. This is A. longer than usual B. hard for us to express what we want to C. shorter than usual D. possible to express in different styles [单项选择]若使用DSCP(ToS域的前6位),则最多可以将报文分成()类
A. 8 B. 16 C. 32 D. 64 [单选题]应力放散时,各位移观测点的钢轨位移应达到标记处,容许偏差为( )。
A.±5mm B.±3mm C. ±2mm D. ±1mm [单选题]压气系统用于机组制动、检修密封投入和检修吹扫用气;例如在机组停机制动、水轮机空气围带投入;机组检修、日常维护的清扫、气动工具用气。低压气系统额定压力范围为( )MPa。
A.0.2~0.5 B.0.5~0.7 C.0.7~1.0 D.1.0~1.2 [填空题]输卵管由内向外分四部分_________、_________、_________、_________。
[判断题]( )TDCS由电务段、车间、工区三级构成。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在嵌入式SQL中,与游标相关的有四个语句,其中使游标定义中的SELECT语句执行的是
A. DECLARE B. OPEN C. FETCH D. CLOSE [单选题]在带电设备区域内使用汽车吊、斗臂车时,车身应使用不小于()mm2的软铜线可靠接地。
A.14 B.16 C.18 D.20 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]焊接过程中需要焊工调节的参数是( )。
A. 焊接电源 B. 药皮类型 C. 焊接电流 D. 焊接位置 [多选题]动火作业单位应采取的安全措施:填写现场应配备的(),动火地点附近所采取()措施等。
A.消防器材 B.消防栓 C.防火隔离 D.人员疏散 [单选题]化疔过程中最严重和最常见的副反应是
A.骨髓抑制 B.捎化道反应 C.脱毛 D.肝功能损伤 E.肾功能损伤 [填空题]乳腺癌的治疗原则是以()为基础的治疗,包括化疗、放疗、()以及免疫治疗。
[单选题]在普速铁路施工限速地段,非设备管理单位的施工单位需进行巡查养护作业时,凭相关施工日计划在《行车设备检查登记簿》内办理( )的登销记手续。
A.施工计划 B.设备故障 C.天窗维修点外作业 D.巡查养护作业 [单项选择]被西方资产阶级学者称为“解冻的年代”是在哪一个时期______
A. 列宁 B. 斯大林 C. 赫鲁晓夫 D. 勃列日涅夫 [判断题]在抽样推断中,作为推断对象的总体和作为观察对象的样本都是确定的、唯一的。
[单项选择]Which is not a characteristic of an RISC processor ( )
A. a high clock speed B. a highly optimized pipeline C. a few general-purpose registers D. a limited amount of small instructions 我来回答: 提交