Regular child care provided outside
home or by someone other than the mother does not in itself undermine(削弱)
healthy emotional connections between mothers and their 15-month-old infants,
according to a long-term national study. The finding holds even if care begins
during the first 3 months after birth and runs for 30 hours or more per
week. Among infants who receive unkind and unresponsive care from their mothers, however, the mother-child relationship may be damaged. "This research helps us put apart complexities regarding child care that have not previously been studied in detail." contends Jay Belsky, a psychologist at Pennsylvania State University. Belsky and several of his colleagues announced their findings last week at the international conference. The investigation consists of 1 153 children and their families livi A. was never carried out in the past B. was not much done in detail in the past C. was greatly ignored by psychologists and researchers D. was interesting, but very difficult to make discovery [单项选择]人工流产时,宫腔深度超过检查时子宫的大小,未吸出组织,患者腹痛剧烈,出冷汗,面色苍白。应首先考虑的诊断是()
A. 吸宫不全 B. 子宫穿孔 C. 人流综合征 D. 葡萄胎 E. 宫外孕 [单选题] 在隧道或潮湿场所,人体皮肤受潮,同时电器设备的金属外壳和能导电的构造物表面结露,规定安全电压为( )。
A.6V B.12V C.24V D.36V [判断题]用人单位与劳动者在用工前订立劳动合同的,劳动关系自合同订立之日起建立。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列关于行政行为确定力的表述正确的有( )。
A. 行政行为一旦生效,行政相对人不得擅自改变 B. 行政行为一旦生效,行政机关不能任意更改 C. 行政行为一旦生效,相对人不能提起行政诉讼或申请行政复议,只能通过向行政机关申诉的途径解决 D. 行政行为生效后,行政机关认为确有错误且符合改变条件时,行政机关可以按照法定程序改变或撤销该行为 [单选题]灭火时应将( )紧急撤离现场, 防止发生人员伤亡。
A.服务人员 B.施工人员 C.重要客户 D.无关人员 [单选题] 退票按退票现场分为()。 "
A.网上退票 B.非现场退票,指在突发事件发生当日未退票,7日内办理的退票 C.即时退票 D.非即时退票" 我来回答: 提交