Everybody dances. If you have (1) swerved to avoid stepping on a crack in the sidewalk, you have danced. If you have ever kneeled to pray, you have danced. For these actions have figured importantly (2) the history of dance. Dance goes (3) to the beginnings of civilization— (4) the tribe—where natives danced to get (5) they wanted. Primitive dance was (6) all practical, not the social dancing we know today. Natives approached dance with (7) seriousness as a way to help the tribe in the crucial process (8) survival. Dance was believed to be the (9) direct way to repel locusts, to (10) rain to fall, to insure that a male heir would be born, and (11) guarantee victory in a forthcoming battle.
Primitive (12) was generally done by many people moving in the same manner and direction. (13) all dances had leaders, solo dances (14) rare. Much use
A. to
B. over
C. of
D. at
Why do we invest so much hope in new technology and
why are we so disappointed when the Next Big Thing turns out to be just a new
computer This is what I’m asking myself after Apple’s{{U}} (62)
{{/U}}over hyped product introduction. This time around the Next Big Thing
is called an iPad. It’s{{U}} (63) {{/U}}an oversize iPod Touch, and it
will be great for watching movies, reading books, and browsing the
Web. {{U}} (64) {{/U}}for some of us who sat in the audience watching Steve Jobs introduce the device, the whole thing felt like a{{U}} (65) {{/U}}. The iPad is a perfectly good product. It’s reasonably{{U}} (66) {{/U}}, and after spending a few minutes with one, I’m pretty sure I’ll buy one for myself and probably{{U}} (67) {{/U}}second one for my kids to watch movies on road trips. Then why are we so (68) The case is that at the A. both B. none C. neither D. either [多选题]目前业内有矩阵探头的厂家有:
A.GE B.飞利浦 C.三星 D.迈瑞 [多选题]拘传适用的条件是()。
A.经过2次传唤的 B.根据案件情况应予拘传的 C.经过传唤没有正当理由不到案的 D.可能判处管制.拘役或者独立适用附加刑的 [单选题] 关于处置人员溺水警情,下列说法正确的是()
A.接到人员溺水警情,立即指民警民警出警,至于现场 情况以民警出警到达现场了解的情况为准。 B. 到场民警应当积极设法施救,尽可能下水救援,不得 等待观望、袖手旁观,防止媒体炒作。 C. 经组织现场搜救仍找不到溺水人员的,应当做好解释 工作,防止群众误解公安机关不作为。 D. 全部三个选项均有误。 [判断题]侵犯公民人身自由的,每日赔偿金按照国家上年度职工日平均工资计算
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]凡由事故单位牵头调查的生产安全事故,在事故调查结束后两周内将事故调查报告、处理通报及落实情况报事业部安全环保部备案。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]模板DNA的碱基序列是3'-TGCAGT-5',其转录出RNA碱基序列是:
A.3'-ACTGCA-5' B.5'-ACGUCA-3' C.5'-UGCAGU-3' D.3'-ACGUCA-5' E.5'-CATGAC-3' [判断题]对环保有要求地段,高速铁路应设置声屏障,声屏障高度严禁超过2.05m。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]压缩有调中转车无项作业停留时间需要有关人员共同努力,车站接发列车人员应组织列车快速作业,压缩()
A.A、t到t解 B.B、t编t发 C.C、t到t发 D.D、t解t编 [单选题]小型、微型非营运载客汽车超过15年的,每_______个月检验1次。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.6 [单选题]某市政府为了加强管理,经常制定规章以外的其他规范性文件,则这些规范性文件:( )。
A.对于某些不是关系重大公共利益的可以设定行政许可 B.经法律的授权后,可以在授权的范围内设定行政许可 C.经国务院授权后,可以在授权的范围内设定行政许可 D.一律不得设定行政许可 [单项选择]自截肾常见于()
A. 慢性肾炎 B. 肾结核 C. 肾结石 D. 肾癌 E. 慢性肾盂肾炎 [单选题]在温暖的天气,飞行在较低高度,有时会遇到湍流空气,以下描述正确的是( )。
A.在大片水体区域发生上升气流 B.在类似成片树林的广阔植被区域发生上升气流 C.很可能在路面和荒地上空发生上升气流 [单选题]扑救原油罐火灾进攻有利时机是:( )。(中)
A.沸溢、喷溅之前 B.沸溢、喷溅之时 C.局部发生燃烧 D.灭火剂准备充足 [单选题]根据颅内血肿引起颅高压或早期脑疝症状所需的时间,急性期血肿是指
A.<3h B.<3日 C.3日至3周 D.>3周 E.>3个月 [单项选择]《安徽省“十三五”旅游业发展规划》提到,到2020年“十三五”主要发展指标中,休闲度假类旅游项目投资占比超过()%。
A. 30 B. 40 C. 50 D. 55 [填空题]( )对车站控制措施的执行情况进行分析、总结。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]把一条32Ω的电阻线截成4等份,然后将4根电阻线并联,并联后的电阻为(____)Ω。
[单项选择]( )是签发给患有不宜进行预防接种的严重疾病的旅行者的一种证书。
A. 《预防接种证书》 B. 《预防接种禁忌证明》 C. 《国际旅行健康检查证明书》 D. 《境外人员体格检查记录验证证明》 我来回答: 提交