The human brain contains 10 thousand
million cells and each of these may have a thousand connections. Such enormous
numbers used to discourage us and cause us to dismiss the possibility of making
a machine with humanlike ability, but now that we have grown used to moving
forward at such a pace we can be less sure. Quite soon, in only 10 or 20 years
perhaps, we will be able to assemble a machine as complex as the human brain,
and if we can we will. It may then take us a long time to render it intelligent
by loading in the right software (软件) or by altering the architecture but that
too will happen. I think it certain that in decades, not centuries, machines of silicon (硅) will arise first to rival and then exceed their human ancestors. Once they exceed us they will be capable of their own design. In a real sense they will be able t A. He believes they will be useful to human beings. B. He believes that they will Control us in the future. C. He is not quite sure in what way they may influence us. D. He doesn’t consider the construction of such machines possible. [名词解释]流程图
[单选题]排除( )故障的基本方法是:沿着从源到目的地的路径查看路由器上的路由表,同时检查那些路由器接口的IP地址。通常,如果路由没有在路由表中出现,就应该通过检查来弄清是否已经输入了适当的静态、默认或动态路由,然后,手工配置丢失的路由或排除动态路由协议选择过程的故障以使路由表更新。
A. 数据链路层 B. 网络层 C. 传输层 D. 应用层 [判断题]第二批政法队伍教育整顿评估验收的重点是“七看”。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )347,BE002S-904型取心工具是双筒单动工具,主要辅助工具为滑动接头。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]骨盆骨折最严重的早期并发症是()
A. 尿道损伤 B. 膀胱损伤 C. 直肠损伤 D. 神经损伤 E. 失血性休克 [单选题]以下选项哪个不是对流层的主要特征( )。
A.气温随高度升高而升高 B.气温,湿度的水平分布很不均匀 C.空气具有强烈的垂直混合 [单项选择]可以在C语言中用做用户标识符的是______。
A. void define WORD B. as_b3 _123 If C. for -abc cas D. 2c Do SIG [多选题]下列有关被审计单位影响采购与付款交易和余额的重大错报风险可能包括( )。
A.低估负债或相关准备 B.管理层错报负债费用支出的偏好和动因 C.费用支出的复杂性 D.舞弊和盗窃的固有风险 [多项选择]What are the two reasons for the appearance of as the next hop for a network when usingthe "show ip bgp" command?()
A. The network was originated via redistribution of an interior gateway protocol into BGP B. The network was defined by a static route C. The network was learned via IBGP D. The network was learned via EBGP E. The network was originated via a network or aggregate command [判断题]BAS一体机二级保养时需备份PLC程序。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]解决社会不公、促进和谐社会建设应做到()
A. 建立公正的社会分配结构 B. 建立公正的社会制度机制 C. 坚持依法治国基本方略 D. 建立公正的社会保障机制 [判断题]螺纹道钉改道时,应用木塞填满钉孔,钻孔后旋入道钉,严禁锤击螺纹道钉。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]二次加工
A. 该县卫生行政部门 B. 该县医学会 C. 市级医学会 D. 该县卫生行政部门的上级组织 E. 省级医学会 [判断题](37157)( )F8型分配阀施行紧急制动后10~15 s,辅助阀的放风阀一直处于开放状态。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交