A few weeks ago, the Food Standards
Agency (FSA. in the UK issued a report evaluating nutrient levels in organic
versus non-organic foods like fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs, and dairy
products. It is a complete, rigorous piece of research. And they found that, in
terms of nutritional content, the differences between organic and non-organic
foods are negligible. As the report states, "... organically and conventionally produced crops and livestock products are broadly comparable in their nutrient content." They did in fact find some nutritional differences between organic and non-organic foods, but concluded that it is "unlikely that these differences in nutrient content are relevant to consumer health." So here they have a nicely delimited (界定的) study of available research with rigorous standards and a fairly worded con A. had noticed the impact of organic agriculture on the environment B. had ignored to examine the effect of pesticide use C. should be criticized for neglecting the benefit of organic food D. has entirely disregarded the intent of the study [单项选择]胃脘胀满而痛,拒按,嗳腐吞酸,或呕吐不消化食物,吐后痛减,纳少恶食,大便不爽,得矢气及便后稍舒,舌苔厚腻,脉滑。治宜()。
A. 疏肝理气,和胃止痛 B. 疏肝理气,泄热和胃 C. 清热化湿,理气和中 D. 消食导滞,和胃止痛 [单项选择]Research indicates that the birth-rate in some developed countries has been _________since 1980s.
A. descending B. inclining C. declining D. lessening [多项选择]纳米粒具有下列哪些特点( )。
A. 缓释性 B. 保护药物 C. 增加药物溶解度 D. 具有靶向性 E. 提高药效、降低毒副作用 [单项选择]M公司取得了某成片土地的土地使用权,并按合同约定进行成片土地开发,若M公司要转让该土地的土地使用权,应满足的条件是( )。
A. 取得土地使用权2年以后 B. 完成开发投资总额的25%以上(不含土地使用权出让金) C. 完成开发投资总额的25%以上(含土地使用权出让金) D. 形成工业用地或者其他建设用地条件 [多选题]电动卷扬机主要由( )等部件组成。
A.卷筒 B.减速器 C.电动机 D.控制器 E.地锚 [多选题]应试验的安全工器具包括:()等。
A.A-规程要求试验的安全工器具 B.B-新购置和自制的安全工器具 C.C-检修后或关键零部件已更换的安全工器具 D.D-出了问题的同批次安全工器具 [判断题]石化行业环境污染的特点为危害大、毒性大、污染种类多、污染后恢复困难
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交