In 1998 consumers could purchase
virtually anything over the Internet. Books, compact discs, and even stocks were
available from World Wide Web sites that seemed to spring up almost dally. A few
years earlier, some people had predicted that consumers accustomed to shopping
in stores would be reluctant to buy things that they could not see or touch in
person. For a growing number of time-starved consumers, however, shopping from
their home computer was proved to be a convenient alternative to driving to the
store. A research A. to the interest of all the consumers B. for the interest of all the consumers C. though the consumers are very much interested D. all the consumers are much interested [单项选择]
者男性,55岁。有慢性咳喘病史十余年,平素易汗出,劳动后尤甚,易外感,体倦乏力,恶风,舌苔薄白,脉细弱。 前日该患者午睡受凉,汗出恶风,时发寒热,周身酸楚,舌苔薄白,脉象浮缓,此时治疗当()A. 益气固表 B. 调和营卫 C. 固涩敛汗 D. 滋阴降火 E. 化湿和营 [判断题]企业对金融负债的分类一经确定,不得变更。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]桥梁梁体封锚砼浇注前,应对锚具及外露钢绞线进行()。
[单项选择]Years ago, a group of brilliant young men at the University of Wisconsin seemed to have amazing creative literary talent. They were 56 poets, novelists and essayists. They were extraordinary, in their ability, to put the English language 57 , These 58 young men met regularly to read and critique each other’s work. And critique it they did!
These men were merciless 59 one another. They 60 the most minute literary expression 61 a hundred pieces. They were heartless, tough, even mean in their criticism. The sessions became 62 arenas of literary criticism that the members of this exclusive club called them- selves "Stranglers." 63 , the women of literary talent in the university, were determined to start a club of 64 , one comparable to the Stranglers. They called themselves "Wranglers." They, too, read their works 65 . But there was one great difference. The criticism was much softer, more p A. of such kind B. of any kind C. of some kind D. of no kind [多选题]建设项目安全设施的()应当对安全设施设计负责。
A.负责人 B.设计人 C.主管单位 D.设计单位 E.设计单位负责人 [单项选择]与物流的其他职能有着密切联系,对提高物流运行的效率、推动物流合理化起着重要作用的是()。
A. 运输 B. 储存 C. 包装 D. 装卸 [单选题]6、下列哪种辅食可用于7个月小儿
A.碎肉和菜汤 B.烂面和鸡蛋 C.面条和青菜汤 D.带馅的食品 E.碎肉和饼干 [多项选择]“克隆”、“转基因”等生命科学的重大突破
A. 有力批判了“上帝造物”的观点 B. 为“世界统一于物质”提供了自然科学依据 C. 表明意识的能动性可以突破物质世界的规定 D. 表明意识不仅反映世界而且创造世界 [多选题]《信贷业务“双录”管理办法(试行)》规定:信贷人员在开始双录前对客户履行告知义务,告知内容包括但不限于( )。
A.双录范围 B.保存期限 C.主要用途 D.审批流程 [单选题]MiFi与用户终端的通信连接技术是()
A.TD-LTE B.TD-SCDMA C.Wi-Fi D.蓝牙 [多选题]检修单位应提前将检修作业所需()运抵现场,完成安装调试,分区定置摆放;
A. 工机具 B.试验设备 C.安全带 D.升压仪 我来回答: 提交