MYTHS{{/B}} Before developing a mom effective negotiation strategy, we need to dispel several faulty assumptions and myths about negotiation. These myths hamper people’s ability to learn effective negotiation skills and, in some cases, reinforce poor negotiation skills. A pervasive belief is that good negotiation skills are something that people are born with, not something that can be readily learned. This is false because most excellent negotiators are self-made. In fact, there are very few naturally gifted negotiators. We tend to hear their stories, but we must remember that their stories A. succeed in negotiation if he is lucky that day. B. do well if he has studies how to negotiate. C. have at least one successful negotiation. D. be a better negotiator if he has inborn talents. [单选题]747. 石油钻机绞车的链条、链轮、换挡离合器和倒挡齿轮均采用( )润滑。
A.A、稀油 B.B、硅油 C.C、润滑脂 D.D、柴油 [单项选择]企业从事国家重点扶持的公共基础设施项目的投资经营的所得,从()起,第一年至第三年免征企业所得税,第四年至第六年减半征收企业所得税。
A. 获利年度 B. 盈利年度 C. 项目取得第一笔生产经营收入所属年度 D. 领取营业执照年度 [单选题]88、()的选用由使用单位考察推荐,单位主管领导批准,机关职能部门办理调入手续;
A.班长 B.消防员 C.公勤人员 D.干部 [多选题]顶板事故发生后,如暂时不能恢复冒顶区的正常通风等,则可以利用( )向被埋压或截堵的人员供给新鲜空气、饮料和食物。
A.压风管 B.开掘巷道 C.打钻孔 D.水管 [单选题]碳化物磨料的硬度高于刚玉类磨料。
A.对 B.错 [判断题]在星形连接的电路中,线电压等于相电压。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]绝缘服使用于环境温度为-25℃~+55℃的区域。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]sizeof(float)是( )。
A. 一种函数调用 B. 一种函数定义 C. 一个浮点表达式 D. 一个整型表达式 [多选题]《职业病防治法》规定,( )接到职业病报告后,应当依法作出处理。
A.用人单位上级主管部门 B.卫生行政部门 C.职业病防治所 D.劳动保障行政部门 E.工会 我来回答: 提交