Experienced observers on American
campuses have begun to notice a new group of mothers and fathers emerging over
the past two years. Informally they are being called "helicopter parents"
because of the way they hover over their offspring well beyond the standard
moment to say goodbye. Clearly, with parents like these hovering close at hand, colleges and universities should consider themselves warned that life both on and off campus is not what is used to be. Why are these issues even being raised this fall It is because parents have officiall A. It has registered more students. B. It has earned more money. C. It has greatly enhanced its image. D. It has become a high-profile institution. [判断题]涂装车间一般采用板式换热器。
[单选题]The diffserv approach to providing QoS in networks employs a small,well-defined set of building blocks from which you can build a variety of( ).Its aim is to define the differentiated services(DS)byte,the Type of Service(ToS)byte from the Internet Protocol Version 4( )and the Traffic Class byte from IP Version 6,and mark the standardized DS byte of the packet such that it receives a particular forwarding treatment,or per- hop behavior(PH
B),at each network node.The diffserv architecture provides a( )within which service providers can offer customers a range of network services,each differentiated based on performance.A customer can choose the( )level needed on a packet-by-packet basis by simply marking the packet's Differentiated Services Code Point(DSCP)field to a specific value.This (_________ ) specifies the PHB given to the packet within the service provider network。横线处应选( )
A.packet B.value C.service D.Paragraph [判断题]《铁路旅客运输规程》中第5条规定,旅客是指持有铁路有效乘车凭证的人和同行的免费乘车儿童及押运货物的人视为旅客。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据《中国教育改革与发展纲要》的思想,素质教育的内容主要有( )。
A.政治素质、思想素质 B.道德素质 C.身体素质 D.身体素质、心理素质 E.科学文化素质 [判断题]环境因素如经济、顾客、新技术、竞争,以及内部因素如企业关键员工的减少或增加都可以改变计划的方向。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]改变药物动力学过程的相互作用包括
A. 影响吸收过程的药物相互作用 B. 影响分布过程的药物相互作用 C. 影响代谢过程的药物相互作用 D. 影响排泄过程的药物相互作用 [判断题] (判断题) 《工伤保险条例》规定,职工因工死亡,供养亲属抚恤金按照职工本人工资的一定比例发给由因工死亡职工生前提供主要生活来源、无劳动能力的亲属,可以高于因工死亡职工生前的工资。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]晶体管工作在放大区时,发射结处于( )。
A.正向偏置 B.反向偏置 C.iE偏或反偏 D.不能确定 [多选题]可能发生尘肺的工种有()。
A.石工 B.水泥工 C.电工 D.塔吊工 E.电焊工 [单选题]法洛四联症X线检查的特征性表现是
A.心影呈靴形 B.肺动脉段突出 C.肺门阴影模糊 D.透明度减弱 E.心室增大 [单项选择]
Children living with single parents encounter many problems. They are more (1) stressful experiences than are children living with continuously married parents. (2) scholars define stress in somewhat different ways, most assume that it occurs when external demands(3) people’s coping resources. This results in feelings of emotional distress, a(n) (4) capacity to function in school, work, and family roles, and an increase in physiological indicators of arousal. Economic hardship, incompetent parenting, and loss of (5) with a parent can be stressful for children. Conflict between nonresident parents appears to be particularly harmful when children feel that they are caught (6), as when one parent speaks ill of the other parent in front of the child, when children are asked to transmit(7)or emotionally negative messages from one parent to the other, and when one parent attempts to recruit the child as an ally (8) the other. Interparental conflict is a direct stressor for childr [判断题]液压系统中的蓄能器是串联接在液压系统的油路中的。
[判断题]投入式止回阀主要由外接头和联顶接头组成。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] Text 1