Once they are more than a month old,
babies seem to learn readily. (84) Moreover, solving a problem or discovering
the relationship between their own actions and an event in the external world
seems to have its own rewards for infants. The pleasure involved in such an experience seemed obvious in one study of two-to-four- month-old infants who were given a chance to control a yellow-and-green mobile. One of these mobiles was suspended above each infant, who play in a crib (小床) with a ribbon attached to one ankle. The other end of the ribbon was attached to the hook from which the mobile was suspended. As the infants moved about, waving their arms and kicking their legs, they learned to connect the motion of one leg with the bobbing(跳动) of the mobile. As they smiled and gurgled(咯咯的笑) at the moving mobile, the infants began t A. kicked their legs randomly all the time B. kicked the leg controlling the mobile most of the time C. attached the colorful ribbons to their own legs D. felt very tired and lost their interest soon [判断题]电流表测量时应串入被测电路。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 依据《工作票实施规范(输电部分)》(Q/CSG 1205006-2016)第5.1.1条规定:线路工作票中填写的日期和时间,按照公历的年、月、日和12h制填写,年按4位数字填写,月、日、时、分按2位数字填写。若填写日期涉及到跨年且工作票中无年份填写项,则默认为跨年。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]“江苏电信”微信公众号、中国电信欢go网站、天翼生活、客服热线10000渠道:当天17:00前下单的客户,工作人员将在次日为客户受理。受理成功后( )小时内,智慧家庭工程师将和客户联系预约安装,需保持预留的手机信号畅通。
A.12小时 B.24小时 C.48小时 D.72小时 [单项选择]职业兴趣测验是帮助人们明确自己的(),从而能得到最适宜的活动情境并给予最大的能力投入。
A. 主观性方向 B. 职业倾向方向 C. 职业适应方向 D. 客观性方向 [单项选择]为了提高营业额,M饭店中餐厅推出了一系列促销活动,但在客源量上升的同时,也暴露出不少问题,如进出餐厅的客人经常堵在门口,上洗手间的客人也偶有被传菜员撞到,M饭店餐厅的这些问题主要是由于( )不合理造成的。
A. 设施配备 B. 餐位设计 C. 流线安排 D. 标识设计 我来回答: 提交