Every year New Zealanders living in
London can be seen loading up Kombi vans and heading off to experience the
"classic European holiday". The trip usually starts in the north of France,
after crossing the channel from Dover in England to Calais, driving down through
France, over the Pyrenees into Spain, west into Portugal and then across the
Continent to Italy and often beyond. There are numerous reasons young New Zealanders take this rite of passage—as well as seeing all the fantastic sights and tasting the delights of Europe’s food and wine, it’s relatively inexpensive. The Kombi is transport and accommodation all in one, cutting down significantly on costs. There is just one problem. As the Kombis become "antique", these trips are usually punctuated with numerous roadside sessions as the van sits idle, in no hurry to start, w A. The Kombis are too old. B. Language.. C. People may not enjoy the driving experience. D. Finding a destination in busy city traffic. [单项选择]水泵的种类不包括( )。
A. 离心泵 B. 抽水泵 C. 混流泵 D. 真空泵 [单选题]胃肠减压管最可靠的拔管征象是
A.体温正常 B.腹胀消失 C.病情好 D.肠鸣音恢复 E.肛门排气 [单项选择]Learning is most essential for _______.
A. all the organisms to survive B. all the organisms to acquire learned behavior C. human beings to respond to experience within an environment D. human beings to survive and live in a society [判断题]禁止穿高跟鞋、硬底鞋、拖鞋及打赤脚、打赤膊进入工地。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某患者,带下过少,阴中于涩,头晕眼花,心悸失眠,神疲乏力,经行腹痛,舌质暗淡,边有瘀斑,脉细涩。方用()
A. 左归丸加知母、肉苁蓉、紫河车、麦冬 B. 血府逐瘀汤 C. 少府逐瘀汤 D. 小营煎加丹参、桃仁、牛膝 E. 左归饮加三棱、莪术 [单选题]井控装置组合配套形式的选择,主要是根据()以及设备的具体情况来决定的。 ①钻具结构 ②压力等级 ③井架底座的高度 ④钻井工艺
A.①③ B.①② C.②③ D.①④ [单选题][T]CD009 4 1 5
硫化氢含量达到( )时,2min可使人失去知觉,死亡。 A.20ppm B.100~200ppm C.300~400ppm D.600~700ppm [填空题]Dustin’s teacher did not pay any attention to him, because the teacher does net like Dustin.
[多项选择]我国行政改革的基本原则有:( )。
A. 系统原则 B. 效率原则 C. 渐进原则 D. 适度原则 E. 与国情相适应原则 [单项选择]支气管扩张最有意义的特征是
A. 杵状指 B. 紫绀 C. 局限性固定性湿罗音 D. 局限性哮鸣音 E. 桶状胸 [多选题]我国产品质量法规定,产品或者其包装上的标识必须真实,并符合下列( ) 要求。
A.有产品质量检验合格证明,有中文标明的产品名称、生产厂厂名和厂址 B.裸装的食品必须有产品标识 C.需要标明产品规格、等级、所含主要成份的名称和含量的,用中文相应予以 标明 D.限期使用的产品,应当在显著位置清晰地标明生产日期和安全使用期或者失 效日期 E.可能危及人身、财产安全的产品,应当有警示标志或者中文警示说明 [单选题]易x作为xx公司工作负责人,负责对xx供电局管辖的35kV里其线1-25号杆开展登杆检查工作,请作答以下问题。
A.lue B.lue C.lue D.lue E.lue [单选题]隔膜泵进口管道上安装( )个排空阀。
A.4 B.3 C.2 D.0 [多选题]我国宪法确立了( )的社会主义市场经济体制。
A. 公有制为主体 B. 多种所有制经济共同发展 C. 按劳分配为主体 D. 多种分配方式并存 [不定项选择题]A.血象中出现幼粒细胞、幼红细胞
A.颈部淋巴结肿大 B.骨痛 C.栓塞 D.进行性黄疸、全身多个脏器进行性衰竭 E.恶性淋巴瘤 我来回答: 提交