Japan is going through a complex
national identity crisis. That may be no bad thing, says a new book by an
American researcher. The economy is ceased making progress, but the society is
in motion. Japan is a difficult country to report on and analyze because things
do not change in big, noticeable ways. They change, in an increasing process,
generally of small steps but which, over time, can add up to big movements. And
just such a big movement seems to be taking place. Mr. Nathan has been observing Japan since the 1960s. Whereas most people look at economic data or the comings and goings Of prime ministers, he is more interested in schools, novels, comic books, and the minds of young entrepreneurs and maverick (持不同意见的) local politicians. In particular, his focus is on whether Japan’s famously cohesive, conformist so A. They are tiring Japanese parents up for a long time. B. They are not as serious as most Japanese have imagined. C. They are quickly on the increase especially in recent years. D. They are obviously endangering the safety of Japanese students. [多选题]有效记录应具有( )签字应有第二方审核必要时还要有第三方审核。
A.填写日期 B.填写人 C.审核人 D.复核人 E.核准人 [判断题]创伤急救时,如果伤员颅脑外伤,应使伤员采取平卧位,保持气道通畅,若有呕吐,应扶好头部和身体,使头部和身体同时侧转,防止呕吐物造成窒息。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]低电阻接地属于有效接地系统,是为了获得快速选择性继电保护所需的足够电流,发生单相接地故障时立即跳闸,一般采用接地故障电流为(____)A。
A.0~50 B.50~100 C.100~1000 D.1000~1500 [单选题]职工因工死亡,其供养亲属享受抚恤金待遇的资格,按( )的条件核定。
A.事故伤害发生时 B.职工因工死亡时 C.提出工伤认定申请时 D.工伤认定决定作出时 [单项选择]()俗称天鹅绒草。
A. 白三叶 B. 细叶结缕草 C. 结缕草 D. 狗牙根 [简答题]什么是路基的终压,终压的目的是什么,如何进行终压?
A. 有蒂的血管纤维组织,表面有粘膜覆盖 B. 家族性腺瘤性息肉病并发中枢神经系统恶性肿瘤 C. 结肠广泛密集的不带蒂的小息肉覆盖,犹如蟾蜍皮一样 D. 全胃肠道多发性息肉,伴有口腔粘膜和/或皮肤表面色素斑 E. 大肠多发性腺瘤,伴有多发性骨瘤和多发性软组织肿瘤 我来回答: 提交