{{B}}An Observation and an Explanation{{/B}} It is worth looking at one or two aspects of the way a mother behaves towards her baby. The usual fondling, cuddling and cleaning require little comment, but the position in which she holds the baby against her body when resting is rather revealing. Careful studies have shown the fact that 80 percent of mothers hold their infants in their left arms, holding them against the left side of their bodies. If asked to explain the significance of this preference most people reply that it is obviously the result of the predominance of right-handedness in the population. By holding the babies in their left arms, the mothers keep their dominant arm free for manipulations. But [单项选择]Ⅱ级()
A. 瘤细胞仅侵及表皮层内,即原位癌 B. 瘤细胞已侵及真皮乳头层 C. 沿真皮乳头层和网状层间扩展,但尚未侵及真皮网状层 D. 侵及真皮网状层 E. 已侵入皮下组织 [单选题]现场工作开始前,应检查确认已做的()符合要求、运行设备和检修设备之间的隔离措施正确完成。工作时,应仔细核对检修设备名称,严防走错位置。
A.A.组织措施 B.B.安全措施 C.C.技术措施 D.D.人员措施 E.略 F.略 G.略 [判断题]用户单相用电设备总容量在25kW以下,采用低压单相二线进户。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下哪项不属于规范文化()。
A. 社会制度 B. 文学艺术 C. 教育 D. 法律 E. 风俗习惯 [单选题]接触器切换回路以哪种设备为切换执行部件?
A.隔离开关 B.接触器 C.开关 [多选题]唐玄宗在位期间任用的贤相包括()。
A.姚崇 B.宋璟 C.张说 D.韩休 [简答题]过盈连接的装配方法有哪几种?
A. A.命名和格式 B.B.名称和格式 C.C.命名和模板 D.D.名称和模板 [判断题]镗削加工中心出现床身或溜板刚性不足,有可能是机床安装水平没有调整好。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列各项中,属于反映企业偿债能力的指标有( )。
A. 净资产总额 B. 资产负债率 C. 流动比率 D. 总资产周转率 E. 利润总额 我来回答: 提交