Kitchen Design{{/B}} Over the years economic, social and technological factors have influenced the design of kitchens. Since it is often used simultaneously by both family members as well as guests, the kitchen requires not only a glamorous look but a practical one. Also, the design elements must meet the needs of the modern family. Environmental concerns have had an enormous impact on kitchen design. This concern includes recycling of household materials, as well as energy efficient appliances and the purity of both water and air. Research shows that up to 85 percent of the population is concerned about what might be in their drinking water. They are also often dissatisfied with the taste and odor of what comes out of their tap. This is wh [单选题]下列属于合成色素的是( )。
A.β-胡萝卜素 B.红曲色素 C.姜黄素 D.苋菜红 [判断题]出车前和行驶中不用检查车辆的技术状况,有点小故障可以行车。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]单人徒手心肺复苏,胸外按压与呼吸之比为( )。
A. 5:1 B. 10:1 C. 10:2 D. 15:2 E. 20:2 [简答题]简述我国宪法规定的公民的基本权利。
[单项选择]反垄断政策手段的实施,通常是以( )手段实现的。
A. 行政 B. 法律 C. 经济 D. 技术 [单选题]根据《铁路旅客运输办理细则》,分乘与旅行变更同时发生时,按( )核收一次手续费。
A.变更次数 B.变更人数 C.变更张数 D.分乘张数 [判断题]对产生职业病危害的作业岗位,应当在其醒目位置,设置警示标识和中文警示说明。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交