Mrs. P sneezes violently. Mrs. O says
"Bless you!" Mrs. P says "Thank you." Again, this hardly seems to be a case of
language being used to communicate ideas, but rather to maintain a comfortable
relationship between people. Its sole function is to provide a means of avoiding
a situation which both parties might otherwise find embarrassing. No factual
content is involved. Similarly, the use of such phrases as "Good morning" or
"Pleased to meet you", and ritual exchanges about health or the weather, do not
communicate ideas in the usual sense. Sentences of this kind are usually automatically produced, and stereotyped (固定不变) in structure. They often state the obvious (e. g. Lovely day!) or have no content at all (e. g. Hello!). They certainly require a special kind of explanation, and this is found in the idea that lan A. people usually think language is only used to communicate ideas B. the exchange about health or weather is common among ordinary people C. people will always say something when facing embarrassment D. the example of Mrs. P and Mrs. O is common in all cultures [多选题]燃烧三要素是( )。
A.可燃物质 B.火源 C.助燃物质 D.温度 [单项选择]下面有几个关于局域网的说法,其中不正确的是______。
A. 局域网是一种通信网 B. 连入局域网的数据通信设备只包括计算机 C. 局域网覆盖有限的地理范围 D. 局域网具有高数据传输率 [简答题]如何理解礼仪在人际交往中的作用?
[单选题]悬挑式钢平台的搁支点与上部拉结点,必须位于( )上。
A.脚手架 B.建筑物 C.钢模板 D.施工设备 [判断题]( )铁路箱损坏责任:卸车前发现损坏时,除能判明责任者外,责任列发站装卸单位。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]工班安全员负责录入车间安全生产月报相关信息并上传文本
A.70N/mm2 B.40N/mm2 C.7N/mm2 D.50N/mm2 [判断题]技术改造项目正式验收后要按照对技术经济指标进行考核标定,编写运行标定报告。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]女性,34岁。2个月来胸骨后烧灼样不适与反胃就诊。反流物呈酸性,胃灼热与反胃常发生在餐后,进食时胸骨后有梗塞感。下列哪一项处理是错误的()。
A. 少食多餐 B. 考来烯胺(消胆胺) C. 多潘立酮 D. 抗胆碱能药物 E. H2受体拮抗剂 [判断题]白血病人从化疗开始到停止后2周内应加强预防感染和出血的措施。
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