The Science of Persuasion{{/B}} If leadership consists of getting things done through others, then persuasion is one of the leader’s essential tools. Many executives have assumed that this tool is beyond their grasp, available only to the charismatic (有魅力的) and the eloquent. Over. the past several decades, though, experimental psychologists have learned which methods reliably lead people to concede, comply, ’or change. Their research shows that persuasion is governed by several principles that can be taught and applied. The first principle is that people are more likely to follow someone who is similar to them than someone who is not. Wise managers, then, ask peers to help make their cases. Sec [多项选择]长跑中常见的运动生理反应有()。
A. 肌肉酸痛 B. 肌肉痉挛 C. 极点和第二次呼吸 D. 脑震荡 [单项选择]
阅读下面的短文,文中有15处空白,每处空白给出4个选项。请根据短文的内容,从4个选项中选择1个最佳答案。 {{B}}British Government{{/B}} When British voters go to the polls during General Elections to decide {{U}} (51) {{/U}} will govern them they usually have a choice of at least three candidates who will each {{U}} (52) {{/U}} one of the three main political parties in Britain today. The Labour Party is the party of {{U}} (53) {{/U}}, while the Tory Conservative Party the right and {{U}} (54) {{/U}} the two, with policies and opinions of its own, is the smaller Liberal Party. Britain is divided into over 600 political units called "constituencies", each with {{U}} (55) {{/U}} own candidates who stand for Parliament hoping to be elected (or re-elected) with large majorities. The cities and large towns are themselves divided into constituencies and they also choose the Members of parliament (MPs) who will represent their {{U}} (56) {{/U}} in the houses of A. carries B. gives C. takes D. goes [单选题] 使用液气大钳时,首先应打开液气大钳的( )。
A.调节开关 B.气路阀门,通气 C.定位手把 D.双向气阀 [填空题]新建、改建、扩建、技术改造或者技术引进项目有职业危害的,竣工之日起( )日内进行职业危害申报。
[单选题]有一定的射孔( ),才能射穿地层的污染带。
A.孔密 B.强度 C.孔径 D.穿透深度 [单选题]属于急性盆腔炎临床表现的是
A.白带增多 B.月经不调 C.血性白带 D.后穹窿穿刺抽出脓液 E.性交后出血 [多项选择]根据《机械设备安装工程施工及验收通用规范》规定,( )须带负荷试运转。
A. 风机 B. 车床 C. 泵 D. 铣床 E. 压缩机 [判断题]速度传感器提供两个相位差90°的矩形波速度信号,用来测量车轴的转速和转向,为机车的监控系统提供机车速度信息。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]砖墙设置斜槎时,斜槎水平投影长度不应小于高度的()。
A. 1/4 B. 1/3 C. 1/2 D. 2/3 [判断题]同杆架设的多层电力线路同时挂接地线时,应先挂低压后挂高压,先挂下层后挂上层。拆除接地线的顺序与此相同。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]二氧化碳灭火器可用于一般电气火灾
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]科学技术预测主要包括()
A. 科学预测 B. 技术预测 C. 产品预测 D. 科技事业预测 E. 科技对经济、社会影响的预测 [名词解释]寄生生活:
A. 按复位键后 B. 机床电源接通开始工作之前 C. 机床停电后重新接通数控系统的电源时 D. 机床在急停信号或超程报警信号解除之后,恢复工作时 E. 加工完毕,关闭机床电源之前 [判断题] 【21120】高压电压互感器二次侧要有一点接地,金属外壳也要接地。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]汽车制动过程中,如果只是前轮制动到抱死滑移而后轮还在滚动,则汽车可能()。:
A.失去转向性能 B.甩尾 C.正常转向 D.调头 [单选题] 依法批准开工报告的建设工程,建设单位应当自开工报告批准之日起30.日内,将保证安全施工的措施报送建设工程所在地的县级以上地方人民政府建设行政主管部门或者其他有关部门备案。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于公积金个人住房贷款使用的借款合同,下列说法不正确的有()。
A.A.经办行应与公积金中心约定使用的借款合同 B.B.公积金委托贷款借款合同中注明公积金贷款为受公积金中心委托发放,可使用与自营性贷款业务相同的合同文本 C.C.组合贷款在一个借款合同文本中同时约定自营部分和公积金部分权利义务的,合同文本经二级分行及以上法律部门审查 D.D.组合贷款自营部分和公积金部分分别签署借款合同的,在两个借款合同中均应明确约定公积金部分与自营部分之间的关联关系 [单选题]倘若说彼特拉克是( )于普罗旺斯的某种小情调的第一人,这肯定对这位“人文主义之父”有些不恭乃至不公,但以现代的一些标准来看,确实容易产生这样的印象,特别是当他与那位传说中的劳拉的故事已经被视为与“罗密欧与朱丽叶”( )的经典之后。
A.沉醉、比肩 B.陶醉、齐名 C.痴迷、媲美 D.沉浸、并列 我来回答: 提交