Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Officials at the Olympic Games taking place in Salt Lake City, Utah, say they have met their environmental goals. However, environmental groups say the Salt Lake Olympic Games have done permanent harm to the area. Protection of the environment is now officially one of the three goals of the Olympic movement. The other two goals are sports and culture. Today, many cities seeking to hold the Olympic Games promise to offer greater protection for the environment. However, an environmental group says that the Salt lake Olympic Committee make promises that it has not kept. For example, activists criticize ski jumps that were built into the sides of the mountains. They also criticize the officials for permitting trees to be cut down and new roads built for the Olympic Games. They said better public transportation is needed to help decrease air pollution during the Games. And they said
A. The games shouldn’t be held in Salt Lake City.
B. The games have met their environmental goals.
C. The games did little to protect the environment.
D. The games have caused lasting damages to the area.
有个妻子要过生日了,她希望丈夫不要再送花、香水、巧克力或只是请吃顿饭。她希望得到一颗钻戒。 “今年我过生日,你送我一颗钻戒好不好 ”她对丈夫说。 “什么 ” “我不要那些花啊、香水啊、巧克力的。没意思嘛,一下子就用完了、吃完了,不如钻戒,可以做个纪念。” “钻戒什么时候都可以买。送你花、请你吃饭,多有情调!” “可是我要钻戒!人家都有钻戒,就我没有,就我可怜、没人爱……” 结果,两个人因为生日礼物,居然吵起来了,吵得甚至要离婚。 更妙的是,大吵完,两个人都糊涂了,彼此问:“我们是为什么吵架啊 ” “我忘了!”太太说。 “我也忘了。”丈夫搔搔头,笑了起来,“啊,对了!是为了你要颗钻戒。” 再说个相似的故事: 有个太太,也想要颗钻戒当生日礼物。但是她没直说,却讲:“亲爱的,今年不要送我生日礼物了,好不好 ” “为什么 ”丈夫诧异地问,“我当然要送。” “明年都不要送了。” 丈夫眼睛睁得更大了。 “把钱存起来,存多一点儿,存到后年。”太太不好意思地小声说,“我希望你给我买一颗小钻戒……” “噢!”丈夫说。 结果,你们猜怎么样 生日那天,她还是得到了礼物——一颗钻戒。 当我们比较前面这两个沟通技巧的时候,可以知道第一例中的妻子太不会说话,她一开始就否定了以前的生日礼物,伤了丈夫的心。接着她又用别人丈夫送钻戒的事,伤了丈夫的自尊。最后,她居然否定了夫妻的感情。何况,这样硬讨的礼物,就算拿到,又有什么意思 她丈夫的感觉也不好啊! 至于第二例,那太太就聪明多了。她虽然要钻戒,却反着来,先说不要礼物,最后才把目标说出。因为她说后年才盼有个钻戒,但丈夫提前了,今年就给了她一份惊喜,无论太太或丈夫,感觉都好极了,这不是“双赢的沟通”吗 尤其严重的是,第一例当中想要沟通的 A. 妻子硬讨生日礼物 B. 妻子伤了丈夫自尊 C. 妻子否定以前礼物 D. 和丈夫关系变坏了 [多选题]矿井空气中含有的主要有害气体包括( )等。(2.0分)
A.一氧化碳 B.硫化氢 C.甲烷 D.二氧化氮 E.二氧化硫 [不定项选择]确定宴请时间应()
A. 根据上司的提议 B. 避开客人的禁忌日 C. 注意选择在重大的节日举行 D. 考虑秘书本人是否能出席 [判断题]科技档案工作应实现“两个延伸”:一是把科技档案收集工作延伸到科技文件工作领域,对科技文件工作进行有效的监督指导;二是把利用服务工作延伸到科技生产活动领域中,为科技人员提供优质、高效服务。
[判断题]( ) 人力制动机每人制动辆数为五辆;编组站、区段站每人制动辆数,在《站细》内规定。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]我国正处于并将长期处于()阶段
A. 社会主义 B. 社会主义初级 C. 共产主义初级 D. 经济建设 [单项选择]渐增式开发方法有利于______。
A. 获取软件需求 B. 快速开发软件 C. 大型团队开发 D. 商业软件开发 [判断题] 检查人员应避免直接触碰设备外壳,如确需触碰,应在确保设备外壳可靠接地的条件下进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]古代学校教育一些基本的共同特征是()。
A.阶级性和专制性 B.民主性 C.刻板性和道统性 D.象征性 [判断题]步行上下工时,区间应在路肩或路旁集中走行。《安规》第3.3.2条
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]通过邮寄方式发出询证函时采取的控制措施为避免询证函被拦截、篡改等舞弊风险,在邮寄询证函时,注册会计师应当()。
A. 独立寄发询证函 B. 由被审计单位财务经理寄发询证函 C. 由被审计单位出纳寄发询证函 D. 由被审计单位总经理寄发询证函 [单项选择]项目目标管理的三重“约束”包括( )。
A. 范围、时间、成本 B. 质量与成本、时间、资源 C. 范围、质量、成本 D. 范围和质量、时间、资源 [填空题]ANSWER SHEET ONE
{{B}}Money in America{{/B}}
Money is used to buy goods or services and (1) ______ debts. (1) ______
In America, money supply consists of (2) ______ (paper (2) ______
money), coins, and demand deposits [(3) ______ ]. (3) ______
In a modern credit economy, money must possess two
most important attributes: acceptability and (4) ______. It also (4) ______
has two legal attributes: legal tender and (5) ______. (5) ______
Money performs four main functions:
a. standard of value;
b. (6) ______; (6) ______
c. store of value;
d. standard of deferred payment.
There are three partially conflicting theories of value for
explaining the (7) ______ in the value of American money, (7) ______
namely the commodity, quantity and income theories.
Coins are credit money or (8) _____
Forces other than damaging winds are also at work inside tornadoes. Sometimes, as the twisting funnel passes over a house, the walls and ceiling burst apart as if a bomb had gone off inside. This explosion is caused by the low air pressure at the center of a tornado. [简答题]A319驾驶舱机组呼叫乘务员,ACP上两个粉红色灯闪亮。
[判断题]有计划的施工,涉及限速、行车方式发生变化或设备变化时,列车调度员应发布调度命令,司机按调度命令执行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]256、司机发现或接到动车组故障信息时,按规定( ),需要随车机械师处理时,应通知随车机械师。
A.A、及时处理 B.B、汇报列车调度员 C.C、汇报信息台 我来回答: 提交