一般程序语言都提供了描述 (51) , (52) 控制和数据传输的语言成分,控制成分中有顺序, (53) ,重复结构。
(53)处填()。 Ask an American schoolchild what he or
she is learning in school these days and you might even get a reply, provided
you ask it in Spanish. But don’t bother, here’s the answer. Americans nowadays
are not learning any of the things that we learned in our day, like reading and
writing. Apparently these are considered fusty old subjects, invented by white
males to oppress women and minorities. What are they learning In a Vermont college town I found the answer sitting in a toy store book rack, next to typical kids’ books like "Heather Has Two Mommies and Daddy is ’Dysfunctional’". It’s a teacher’s guide called "Happy To Be Me", subtitled "Building Self-Esteem". Self-esteem as it turns out, is a big subject in American classrooms. Many American schools see building it as important as teaching reading and writing. They call it "whole l A. the whole concept of communication is being perceived differently B. the way American children communicate among themselves is more important than anything else C. academic skills should be encouraged and promoted in the American education system D. the progress that American children could be monitor with more traditional methods [单项选择]综合安全技术
保护接地适用于( )电网。 A. 接地 B. 不接地 C. 低压 D. 高压 [单选题]绝缘手套作业法带电立、撤杆作业,新钢丝绳使用前,应以破断拉力的( )倍做吊荷试验,时间为15min。
A.4 B.3 C.2 D.1 [单选题]供气式呼吸防护用品,使用时应(),防止窒息。
A.先戴面罩后通气 B.先通气后戴面罩 C.直接戴上面罩 [单项选择]
Recent legal research indicated that incorrect identification is a major factor in many miscarriages of justices. It also suggests that identification of people by witnesses in courtroom is not as 21 as commonly believed. Recent studies do not support the degree of judges, jurors, lawyers and the police have in eyewitness evidence. [多选题]消防救援人员不得围观和参与( )。
A.社会游行、示威、静坐等活动 B.不得传抄、张贴、私藏非法印刷品 C.不得组织和参与集体上访 D.不得加入任何社会活动 [多选题] 配电网规划应遵循资产全寿命周期成本最优的原则,对多个方案进行比选,实现电网资产在(____)等全过程的整体成本最小。
A.规划设计 B.建设改造 C.运维检修 D.折旧摊销" [单选题]车辆上常用的冷却液是水和______。( )
A.防腐液 B.防锈油 C.防冻液 [单项选择]在残疾收入补偿保险中,对于部分残废的保险金计算公式:
A. 部分残疾给付=全部残疾给付(残疾前的收入-残疾后的收入)/残疾后的收入 B. 部分残疾给付=全部残疾给付(残疾前的收入-残疾后的收入)/残疾前的收入 C. 部分残疾给付=全部残疾给付(残疾前的收入-残疾后的收入)/全部残疾给付 D. 部分残疾给付=全部残疾给付(残疾前的收入-残疾后的收入)/残疾前后的收入 我来回答: 提交