Natural flavorings and fragrances are often costly and limited in supply. For example, the vital ingredient in a rose fragrance is extracted from natural rose oil at a cost of thousands of dollars a pound; an identical synthetic substance can be made for 1% of this cost. Since the early twentieth century, success in reproducing these substances has created a new industry that today produces hundreds of artificial flavors and fragrances. Some natural fragrances are easily synthesized; these include vanillin, the aromatic ingredient in vanilla, and benzaldehyde, the aromatic ingredient in wild cherries. Other fragrances, however, have dozens, even hundreds of components. Only recently has it been possible to separate and identify these ingredients by the use of gas chromatography and spectroscopy. Once the chemical identity is known, it is often possible to A. As an example of complex substances having not been duplicated satisfactorily. B. Because the coffee fragrance is hard to produce. C. To conclude the passage. D. The smell of fresh coffee is inviting. [多选题]党支部要担负好直接( )和组织群众.宣传群众.凝聚群众.服务群众的职责,引导广大党员发挥先锋模范作用。
A.教育党员 B.管理党员 C.监督党员 D.考核党员 [单选题](1分)烧伤急救时,强酸或碱灼伤应迅速脱去被溅染衣物,现场立即用大量清水彻底冲洗,要彻底,然后用适当的药物给予中和;冲洗时间不少于( )min。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [单项选择]哪一种子宫内膜癌的病理类型最多见?()
A. 内膜样腺癌 B. 黏液性腺癌 C. 浆液性腺癌 D. 透明细胞癌 E. 腺癌伴扁平上皮分化 [多项选择]建设项目决策的任务是()。
A. 明确建设方案 B. 加大股本 C. 确定投资项目 D. 进一步确定项目的可行性 E. 确定融资方案 [多项选择]痛经病人的护理措施包括
A. 加强经期保健指导,缓解精神压力 B. 指导病人采用生物反馈法以缓解症状 C. 腹部热敷或进热饮料可缓解子宫痉挛性疼痛 D. 经期常规服用止痛片 E. 冷饮有助于镇静、转移注意力达到缓解症状作用 [填空题]人体惯性参数是指人体整体及环节的()、()、()及()。
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 [单项选择]
American Society When foreigners are sometimes asked what seems most strange about American society, somewhere on the top of the list will be the fact the average citizen is allowed to possess guns. Although it is true that many people carry guns legally in the United States, it is also known that many who possess guns carry illegally. Others, who don’t have guns, feel that guns can be acquired quite easily. A recent survey indicated that many high school students, especially in the inner cities, can acquire gun with little difficulty. Although most people would never want to own a gun, others have taken up hunting as a sport and enjoy hunting wild game in season. Hunting for deer and duck in fall and winter is very much a part of the American culture. Also, some farmers in rural areas who raise cattle and sheep feel they need to protect their animals against wolves that attack their herds and flocks at night. To defend and A. help strengthen gun control laws B. unite people who possess guns C. defend Americans’ right to possess guns D. solve the problem of crime and violence [多项选择]根据《放射性同位素与射线装置安全许可管理办法》(环境保护部第三号令)第十三条规定,配备与辐射类型和辐射水平相适应的防护用品和监测仪器,包括()等设备。
A. 个人剂量测量报警 B. 固定式和便携式辐射监测 C. 表面污染监测 D. 流出物监测 [判断题]农商银行按照以非现场调查为主,现场调查为辅的原则对押品进行调查。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]滑参数停机时,( )做汽轮机超速试验。
A.可以; B.采取安全措施后; C.严禁; D.领导批准后。 [单项选择]战国时期人们使用胭脂来修饰面部是一种()颜料。
A. 植物 B. 动物 C. 矿物 我来回答: 提交