English{{/B}} Standard English is the variety of English which is usually used in print and which is normally taught in schools and to non-native speakers leaning the language. It is also the variety which is normally spoken by educated people and used in news broadcasts and other{{U}} (51) {{/U}}situations. The difference between standard and nonstandard, it should be noted, has{{U}} (52) {{/U}}in principle to do with differences between formal and colloquial{{U}} (53) {{/U}}; standard English has colloquial as well as formal variants. Historically, the standard variety of English is based on the London{{U}} (54) {{/U}}of English that developed after the Norman Conquest resulted in the removal of the Court A. basis B. norm C. rule D. variety [单项选择]Every profession or trade, every art, and every science has its technical vocabulary. Different occupations, however, differ widely in the character of their special vocabularies. In trades and handicrafts, and other vocations, like farming and fishery, that have occupied great numbers of men from remote times, the technical vocabulary, is very old. It consists largely of native words, or of borrowed words that have worked themselves into the very fibre of our language. Hence, though highly technical in many particulars, these vocabularies are more familiar in sound, and more generally understood, than most other technicalities. The special dialects of law, medicine, divinity, and philosophy have also, in their older strata, become pretty familiar to cultivated persons and have contributed much to the popular vocabulary. Yet every vocation still possesses a large body of technical terms that remain essentially foreign, even to educated speech. And the proportion has been much increased
A. 子宫脱垂Ⅰ度轻型 B. 子宫脱垂Ⅰ度重型 C. 子宫脱垂Ⅱ度轻型 D. 子宫脱垂Ⅱ度重型 E. 子宫脱垂Ⅲ度 [多选题]施工现场应在易产生职业病危害的作业岗位和设备、场所设置()。
A.宣传标语 B.警示标识 C.宣传挂图 D.警示说明 [填空题]对外交往中对待中外礼仪与习俗的差异性的可行方法有三种,一是(),二是(),三是()。
[多选题] 操作隔离开关要( ),中途不得停留和发生冲击。操作过程中,人体各部不得与支柱及其构件接触。
A.准确 B.迅速 C.一次开闭到位 D.平缓到位 [单项选择]()不属于试验工作的内容。
A. 选择接收和记录地震波的最佳条件 B. 干扰波调查 C. 资料处理 D. 激发因素的选择 [多选题]在露天使用起重机,应注意()。
A.机身上不得随意安设增加受风面积的设施 B.起重机驾驶室内,冬天可装有电气取暖设备,在作业人员离开时,应切断电源 C.起重机驾驶室内可使用电炉取暖 D.起重机驾驶室内不准用煤火炉取暖 [单选题]因特网的主要应用中,发展最快的服务是( )。
A.WWW B.E-mail C.FTP D.BBS [单选题]( )以上各级人民政府及其有关部门对报告重大事故隐患或者举报安全生产违法行为的有功人员,给予奖励 具体奖励办法由国务院安全生产监督管理部门会同国务院财政部门制定
A.县级 B.市级 C.省级 [多选题]《中共中国农业发展银行委员会党风廉政建设主体责任清单(试行)》指出,着力构建“三不”一体推进工作格局,坚持反腐败( ),坚持重遏制、强高压、长震慑,加强对全行纪律检查工作的领导,经常检查监督执纪问责工作情况。
A.无禁区 B.全覆盖 C.零容忍 [单项选择]临终关怀的目的是()
A. 治疗疾病 B. 延长生命 C. 实现无苦而终 D. 力求起死回生 E. 促使生命早日结束 [单选题]凡需要检修人员涉及需停电避雷针更换的检修工作,一般应确定为( )检修
A.A类 B.B类 C.C类 D.D类 [多选题]针对火灾猛烈燃烧阶段的特点,为了减少人员伤亡和火灾损失,防止火灾向相邻建筑蔓延,在建筑防火中应采取的主要措施是()。
A.在建筑物内划分一定的防火分区 B.设置具有一定耐火性能的防火分隔物 C.选用耐火极限较高的建筑构件作为建筑物的承重体系 D.确保建筑物发生火灾时不倒塌破坏,为火灾时人员疏散、消防救援人员扑灭火灾,以及建筑物灾后修复使用创造条件 E.选择防火卷帘进行防火分隔 [单选题]在人员可正常接近的玻璃门扇.玻璃面板或成形玻璃板,均应用夹层玻璃制成。( )
A.正确; B.错误 [判断题]遇有雨、雪、重雾、霾等恶劣天气,或空气相对湿度大于95%时,一般不进行间接带电作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]安全帽使用( )后需要更换。
A.1 年 B.3 年 C.安全帽上的质保日期 D.五年 [单选题]组成中生界地层中最新的地层是( )。
A.侏罗系 B.三叠系 C.石炭系 D.白至系 [填空题]教学中具有敏锐的观察力、流畅的语言表达能力、严谨的思维力等多种能力,这说明教师具有良好的()。
[单选题]国家为弥补财政赤字实际发行的债券称之为( )。
A.赤字国债 B.特别债券 C.国家建设债券 D.重点建设债券 我来回答: 提交