入院后因情绪激动,血压明显升高,严重头痛、意识模糊、抽搐、呕吐等,应考虑诊断( ) When I was
preparing for my two-week vacation in southern Africa, I Line realized that the continent would be like nothing I had ever seen. I wanted to explore the urban streets as well as the savannah; it’s always been my goal to have experiences on vacation that most other tourists fail to find. When my plans (5) were finalized, I left for Africa. The cultural differences were stunning, and made for plenty of laughter and confusion, but always ended up bringing smiles to our faces. What’s funny now, though, more than ever, is how ridiculous I must have seemed to the people of one village when I played with their dog. Apparently, the role of dogs in America is nothing like it is in the third world. (10) When I walk the streets of my hometown now, I often find myself staring at A. (A) a description of cultural differences B. (B) an overview of animal behavior C. (C) a history of international tourism D. (D) evidence to refute a global theory E. (E) an account of animal cruelty [单项选择]具有脯氨酸结构的是
A. 盐酸地尔硫革 B. 硝苯地平 C. 盐酸普萘洛尔 D. 硝酸异山梨醇酯 E. 卡托普利 [单选题]16. 1.汽压变化实质上反映了()之间的平衡关系。
A.锅炉蒸发量与燃烧 B.1.锅炉蒸发量与外界负荷 C.蒸汽压力与外界负荷 [单项选择]下列具有镇静作用的药物为
A. 丹参 B. 莪术 C. 川芎 D. 益母草 E. 水蛭 [单选题]人幼年时缺乏哪种激素可导致侏儒症
A.甲状腺激素 B.生长激素 C.胰岛素 D.催乳素 E.维生素D3 [多选题]硫化氢检测仪器种类很多:按检测原理分类有( )。
A.电化学型 B.半导体型 C.气体检测仪 D.气体报警仪 E.气体检测报警仪 [单选题]声光报警器发出光信号,在其( )处用照度计测量其照度范围为100lx--500 lx。
A.15m B.25m C.30m D.35m [不定项选择题]A.Ⅰ型变态反应
A.Ⅱ型变态反应 B.Ⅲ型变态反应 C.Ⅳ型变态反应 D.非变态反应 E.支气管哮喘属于 [单项选择]下列引起的呕吐为中枢性呕吐的是 ()
A. 癫痫持续状态 B. 胆石症 C. 急性胰腺炎 D. 急性胃肠炎 E. 肠梗阻 [单选题] 花穿法穿大绳的缺点是( )。
A.穿绳方法比较复杂 B.二层平台扣吊卡操作不如顺穿法方便 C.钢丝绳偏磨滑轮的现象较为严重 D.上述三项 [判断题]矫正是指在低温状态下对钢材进行矫正。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]开放式问题的优点和缺点是什么?
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