In 1993, a mall security camera
captured a shaky image of two 10-year-old boys leading a much smaller boy out of
a Liverpool, England, shopping center. The boys lured Jarfies Bulger, away from
his mother, who was shopping, and led him on a long walk across town. The
excursion ended at a railroad track. There, inexplicably, the older boys
tortured the toddler, kicking him, smearing paint on his face and pummeling him
to death with bricks before leaving him on the track to be dismembered by a
train. The boys, Jon Venables and Robert Thompson, then went off to watch
cartoons. Today the boys are 18-year-old men, and after spending eight years in juvenile facilities, they have been deemed fit for release, probably this spring. The dilemma now confronting the English justice system is how to reintegrate the notorious duo into a socie A. it is controversial as it goes without precedent B. the British media are sure to do the contrary C. Bulger’s family would enter all appeal against it D. Conservatives obviously conflict with Liberals [判断题]干线封锁正线4h及以上或影响全站(全场)信联闭6h及以上的施工属于Ⅱ级施工。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]【单选题】
OSPF完全STUB区域的ABR不向区域内泛洪第三类、第四类和第五类LSA,因此完全STUB区域的ABR需要手工向区域内下发一条默认路由,指导数据包如何到达 AS外部的目的地。 A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]SSRF 漏洞攻击流程包括
A.扫描内网 IP 存活及端口开放信息 B.端口服务指纹识别 C.确定 SSRF 组合类型 D.实施攻击 [单项选择]以下哪项不是胃热炽盛证的临床表现()
A. 呕吐酸馊 B. 胃脘灼痛 C. 渴喜冷饮 D. 消谷善饥 E. 大便秘结 [单项选择]It is difficult to ______ the church box without donating some money.
A. pass away B. pass by C. pass over D. pass out [单选题]交流回路中的各级保险、快分开关容量的配合()进行一次核对,并对快分开关、熔断器(熔片)逐一进行检查,不良者予以更换
A.每周 B.每月 C.每季度 D.每年 [多选题]车辆停留线设置原则:线路车间所在地设有效长( )m的停留线1条、( )m的停留线3条。
A.240 B.260 C.100 D.120 [单项选择]水泵滑动轴承温度不应超过()。
A. 45°C B. 55°C C. 65°C D. 75°C [单选题]在H.320会议电视系统中,多采用()方法进行对图像信号和系统控制信号的差错控制
A.自动请求重发() B.前向纠错() C.混合纠错() D.回程校验 [多选题]配电线路、设备停电时,熔断器的熔管应摘下或悬挂()的标示牌。
A.“止步,高压危险!” B.“禁止分闸!” C.“禁止合闸,有人工作!” D.“禁止合闸,线路有人工作!” E.略 F.略 [判断题]( )装配图中若干相同的零、部件组,可只详细地画出一组,其余用细点画线表示其位置。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]四川省农村信用社信贷管理基本制度中的信贷业务是指农村信用社对客户提供的本外币贷款、进出口押汇、贴现、透支、保理等( )以及票据承兑、信用证、保证、贷款承诺、信贷证明等( )
A.表内信贷业务 B.本币贷款 C.外币贷款 D.表外信贷业务 我来回答: 提交