In October 2008 while Artai Construction Co Limited (Artai Co) was building a residence project, a serious accident took place because of geological causes. To rescue the project many construction materials, such as cement and sand, were needed. However, it was impossible for Artai Co to fi nd such a huge quantity of construction materials in a very short period of time. Artai Co, under such circumstances, had to negotiate with a developer of the neighbouring project and fi nally reached an agreement to buy construction materials from the developer at a very high price, three times the normal market price at that time. Artai Co fell into fi nancial diffi culty as a lot of funds had been spent on the rescue work and failed to pay the price for the construction materials as agreed. A dispute arose between Artai Co and the developer. Required: Answer the following questions in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Contract Law of China, and give your reasons for your answer
While mother was in New Orleans, I was
in the care of my grandparents. They were incredibly conscientious about me.
They loved me very much; sadly, much better than they were able to love each
other or, in my grandmother’s case, to love my mother. Of course, I was
blissfully unaware of all this at the time. I just knew that I was loved. Later,
when I became interested in children growing up in hard circumstances and
learned something of child development from Hillary’s work at the Yale Child
Study Center, I came to realize how fortunate I had been. For all their own
demons, my grandparents and my mother always made me feel I was the most
important person in the world to them. Most children will make it if they have
just one person who makes them feel that way. I had three. My grandmother, Edith Grisham A. his grandparents loved him more than his mother did B. his grandmother loved her grandson more than she loved her daughter C. his grandparents and his mother made him the most important person in the world D. his grandparents and his mother took him as the apple of their eye [单选题]在地震救援行动中,对处于不稳定状态下的建筑物,必须进行( )等排险措施,否则不得进入危险的建筑物内。
A. 侦察和破拆 B. 堵漏和洗消 C. 加固或拆除 D. 搜索和打捞 [多项选择]消防炮按喷射介质可分为:()。
A. 消防水炮 B. 消防空气泡沫炮 C. 消防干粉炮 D. 二氧化碳炮 [单项选择]回流比为塔顶回流量与()之比。
A. 塔顶抽出量 B. 塔顶产品量 C. 侧线产品量 [判断题]流动比率、速动比率、现金比率是反应企业长期偿债能力的指标。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在热水供应系统中,在接出超过( )个配水点支管上装设阀门。
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 [判断题]班组长的工作作风、处事态度、言行举止对班组成员的影响较大。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在不同的社会制度下,生产力标准的运用要受到该社会制度性质的制约。优越的社会制度会促进生产力的发展,腐朽的社会制度会阻碍生产力的发展。二战后西方发达国家大力干预经济反映了()
A. 西方各国对生产关系进行了根本改变 B. 西方各国在一定程度上调节了生产关系,促进了生产力的发展 C. 资本主义社会的基本矛盾正逐渐消失 D. 从资本主义社会向社会主义社会的和平过渡 我来回答: 提交