假定上述患者在社区医院就诊,诊断为急性心肌梗死,除下列哪项处理外均为正确措施() It is often observed that the aged
spend much time thinking and talking about their past lives, (1)
about the future. These reminiscences are not simply random or trivial
memories, (2) is their purpose merely to make conversation.
The old person’s recollections of the past help to (3) an
identity that is becoming increasingly fragile: (4) any role
that brings respect or any goal that might provide (5) to the
future, the individual mentions his past as a reminder to listeners, that here
was a life (6) living. (7) , the memories
form part of a continuing life (8) , in which the person
(9) the events and experiences of the-years gone by and
(10) on the overall meaning of his or her own almost completed
life. As the life cycle (11) to its close, the aged must also learn A. better than B. rather than C. less than D. other than [单选题]盆腔手术前留置导尿管的主要目的是( )
A.解除尿潴留 B.防止尿失禁 C.保持外阴清洁干燥 D.避免术中误伤膀胱 E.促进膀胱功能 [单项选择]企业管理费由基本费用、主副食运费补贴、职工探亲路费、职工取暖补贴和()几项组成。
A. 财务费用 B. 材料费 C. 利润 D. 税金 [多选题]以下关于贯通道侧护板和顶板描述正确的是( )。
A.5号线顶板包括边顶板和中间顶板 B.2号线侧护板和顶板均包括四连杆机构 C.5号线采用整体式侧护板 D.1号线顶板没有橡胶挡尘板 [单选题]应急照明系统由可移动电瓶供电 。电瓶由飞机电气系统充电 。充满电的
电瓶至少可供电() 分钟。
A.5分钟 B.10分钟 C.30分钟 D.60分钟 [单选题]塔式起重机管理,下列哪项是错误的( )
A.起重臂和吊物下方严禁有人员停留 B.物件吊运时,严禁从人员上方通过 C.塔吊静止时,人员可以随意攀爬塔吊 D.严禁用塔式起重机载运人员 [单选题]TCL雷达测速器在雷达自检时,室内送给自检线24V电压,在无车占用轨道时,用数字万用表频率档测量信号输出频率应为2000HZ±1HZ时雷达速度显示窗显示()表示正常。
A.30.7km/h B.31km/h C.30km/h D.31km/h [单项选择]捏法在操作时错误的是()
A. 拇指与其余手指相对用力 B. 以节律性挤压为要求 C. 相对向内掐压力度大小一致 D. 动作缓和而有连贯性 [多选题] 客运人员饰品佩戴要求:戒指只能佩戴一枚;项链();佩戴手表款式要自然大方;女员工可佩戴1副直径小于()的耳钉,男员工不得佩戴耳钉、耳 环。
A.不可以佩戴 B.只能佩戴到衣服里,不可外漏 C.5mm D.7mm [单选题]药物警戒的概念为
A.研究药物的安全性 B.一种学术上的探讨 C.可以了解药害发生的规律,从而减少和杜绝药害,保证用药安全 D.有关不良作用或任何可能与药物相关问题的发现、评估、理解与防范的科学与活动 E.评价用药的风险效益比 我来回答: 提交