男性装卸工人,40岁,腰扭伤,经治疗腰痛缓解,但仍有左下肢麻痛并放射,查体:腰背肌痉挛,沿坐骨神经走行有压痛,直腿抬高试验阳性。 |
学号 | 课程号 | 分数 |
S1 | C1 | 80 |
S1 | C2 | 75 |
S2 | C1 | null |
S2 | C2 |
A.并联 B.串联 C.复接 D.点对点 [判断题]《用于水泥、砂浆和混凝土中的粒化高炉矿渣粉》GB/T 18046-2017 规定,不同级别矿渣粉只 有活性指数要求不同。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]机车、轨道车的警报信号为()。
A.一长三短 B.二短声 C.三短声 D.三长声 [多选题]税务局稽查局对纳税人刘刚作出罚款10万元的处罚决定,该纳税人对罚款决定不服,拟通过申请行政复议的方式保障自己的合法权益。下列关于税务行政复议的说法,符合法律规定的有( )。
A.如果刘刚不能按规定缴清10万元罚款,则应当提供相应的担保才能申请复议 B.刘刚应向稽查局的主管税务局申请复议 C.如果刘刚在复议决定作出前要求撤回复议申请,经行政复议机构同意可以撤回 D.复议机关审理后有权作出变更罚款为5万元的复议决定 E.如果刘刚对罚款5万元的复议决定逾期不起诉又不履行,由主管税务局依法强制执行或者申请法院强制执行 [判断题]人民群众是改造社会和改造自然的主体,是人类发展的根本力量,是历史的创造者。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]文件名为“ZO_AWS_ST_C5_58321_20060312082000.TXT”的文件,表示的是台站号为58321、观测时间为()的地面气象要素值。
A. 2006年3月12日00时20分 B. 2006年3月12日08时20分 C. 2006年3月12日16时20分 D. 以上都不对 [多选题]流量控制在网络工作中具有的功能包括()。
A.保证了网络内的数据流量的平滑均匀 B.提高网络的吞吐能力 C.防止阻塞现象的发生 D.具有可靠性 [多项选择]通常施工现场的环境因素对环境影响的类型有()。
A. 噪声、粉尘、有毒有害废物、生产和生活污水的排放 B. 运输遗撒、化学危险品和油晶的泄露或挥发 C. 臭氧层破坏、气候变化、水土流失 D. 办公用纸消耗、光污染、离子辐射 E. 混凝土防冻剂(氨味)排放 [单项选择]If you are travelling in a train, the things (Example: (0) ) seem to be (41) backwards. But this is not really true. It is the train that is moving.
It is like the case (42) the earth and the sun. The sun seems (43) in the east, move across the sky, and set in the (44) . In other words, the sun seems to travel round the earth. However, (45) not really true. It is the earth that is turning on (46) own axis (轴) . The turning of the earth on its own axis is what makes the change (47) day to night. The earth also travels round the sun on an unchanging path (路径). As well as the earth, (48) other planets(行星) of (49) sizes. These are known as the solar system. The planet nearest the sun is Mercury, and the planet (50) from the sun is Pluto. A. with B. for C. to [判断题]当发觉有跨步电压时,应立即将双脚并在一起或用一条腿跳着离开导线断落地点
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列人证描述的现象与经济学名词对应错误的是:
A.覆水难收——机会成本 B.一山不容二虎——完全垄断 C.入芝兰之室,久而不闻其香——边际效用递减 D.城门失火,殃及池鱼——负外部效应 [单项选择]
某镇小学于2004年7月在1周内出现数十例发热病人,伴眼结膜充血、全身酸痛、乏力,部分病人小腿肌肉压痛明显。血常规:WBC基本正常或稍升高,中性粒细胞稍升高,尿蛋白微量。镇上其他人群及学生家庭中均无类似病人。 为了明确诊断,上述病例应进行下列检查,但除外( )A. 血培养 B. 肥达反应 C. 钩体显凝试验 D. 肝、肾功能检测 E. 全身CT检查 [判断题]表压力代表流体内某点处的实际压力。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] AN5006-20串口上关闭debug打印的命令是( )
A.set debug_level 6 7 B.set debug port none C.set debug_level 2 D.set debug_level 0 [填空题]
The most obvious purpose of advertising is to inform the consumer of available products or services. The second (31) is to sell the product. The second purpose might be more important to the manufacturers than the (32) . The manufacturers go beyond only telling consumers about their products. They also try to persuade customers to buy the (33) by creating a desire (34) it. Because of advertisement, consumers think that they want something that they do not need. After buying something, the purchaser cannot always explain why it was (35) . 我来回答: 提交